Angelus Prayer List

Please email prayer requests to:


Please continue to pray for healing for:

Susan Bek
Peg Bradley
David Brown
Alexandra Conrads
Shelley Booth Denney
Norma Guerra

Mark Hallahan
Betsy Hooper-Rosebrook
Argola Haynes
The Hubbard Family
The Kennedy Family
Paul & Duffy Lawson

Linda McCarthy
Melissa McCarthy
Maryel McKinley
Gordon & Beryl Nyre-Thomas
Cindy Voien
Roger Wood
Megan Wolf

Those in the ordination process:

Preparing for ordination to the diaconate (June 8, 2024)
Karen James, BH (Church of the Epiphany, Oak Park)
Michael Mischler (St. James, South Pasadena)
Hart Roussel (St. Andrew’s, Fullerton)
Margaret Stivers, CDSP (St. Richard of Chichester, Lake Arrowhead)

Canon 8 Postulants

John Achee, CDSP (St. John’s, Rancho Santa Margarita)
Mike Allen (St. Luke’s, Long Beach)
Drew Darby (St. Paul’s, Ventura)
Miriam Edwards, BH (St. Andrew’s, Fullerton)
Caitlyn Ference-Saunders (St. James’, South Pasadena)
Benjamin Galan, BH Anglican Studies (Saint Luke’s, Long Beach)
Stephanie Herrman (St. Mark’s, Altadena)
Payton Hoegh (St. Stephen’s, Hollywood)
Rodney Hume-Dawson (Trinity, Redlands)
Kelly Lauer, CDSP (St. Luke the Physician, Monrovia)
J.D. Neal (St. Matthias, Whittier)
Gabriel Vasquez-Reyes, Seminary TBD (Church of Our Saviour, San Gabriel)
Julia Warren (St. Mark’s, Upland)

 Canon 6 Candidates (Vocational Diaconate)

Postulants for the diaconate

Tom Jensen, CDSP (St. Stephen’s, Santa Clarita)

Preparing for Next Steps Conference

Preparing for DDY Conference
Kathryn Nishibayashi (St. Mary’s, Mariposa)
Gretchen Stahl Hughes (St. Wilfrid’s, Huntington Beach)
Phylene Wiggins (Trinity, Santa Barbara)



Canon 6 are always permanent (vocational) deacons
Canon 8 are always the presbyteral track (initially deacons, transitioning to priest)
Canon 10: people who are already ordained to the priesthood in another tradition; waiting to be received as priests in the Episcopal Church)


BH – Bloy House (Episcopal Theological School at Claremont)
CDSP – Church Divinity School of the Pacific
FTS – Fuller Theological Seminary
GTS – General Theological Seminary, New York
IS – Independent Study
VTS – Virgina Theological Seminary, Virginia

Bishop Taylor always wants red stoles for clergy at ordinations, no matter the season.