You meet the most amazing people around St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park and the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Rt. Rev. Naudal Alves Gomes, former primate of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazill, who is spending the summer serving at our missions and parishes (he showed me his spot in the Lambeth group photo, between Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and the Rt. Rev. Enrique Treveno, primate of Mexico); Canon Randolph Kimmler, among those who gathered at Holy Eucharist and lunch to celebrate the centenary of priest, author, theologian, and civil rights prophet Malcolm Boyd; the Rev. Steve Paterson, a gifted veteran priest now serving at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Needles, our easternmost outpost; the Revs. Dr. Fennie Hsin-Fen Chang and Kate Cress, comparing notes before a meeting; and the Very Rev. Canon Ian Elliott Davies, for a rich conversation about our many matters of mutual interest.