Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change


Responding to the urgent global and local needs of the current environmental crisis, the Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change, comprising more than 20 members appointed from across the diocese, is actively engaged in these priorities:

  • Advocating for a better response in the U.S. to climate change priorities
  • Educating diocesan congregations, schools, institutions, and individuals in addressing climate change
  • Engaging General Convention legislation calling dioceses, congregations, and individuals to action
  • Increasing preparedness for natural disasters and responsiveness when they occur

In addition, the Commission is bringing attention to intersections of food insecurity and racial justice; tracking of federal, statewide, regional and local legislation; and development of an anthology of online resources. The role of youth and young adults, together with local schools and seminaries is also key.

Impetus for launching the Commission in March 2022 includes Diocesan Convention’s 2021 Margaret Parker Lecture given by Mary Nichols, parishioner of St. James’, Los Angeles, and a former longtime chair of the California Air Resources Board, who spoke just after her return from the United Nations COP26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland. View her lecture here.

The Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change offered its first annual Climate Change Summit at St. Paul’s Commons in Echo Park on Saturday, September 16th. The program featured presentations from Dr. Lucy Jones, Kate Varley, Steve Slaten, Rev. Daniel Tamm, and Lisa Markus. Read a full report on the summit here.

Click below for further resources and to view initiatives that require urgent action:

Commission Chair

The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy | Contact:

Commission Participants

In addition to Bishop John Harvey Taylor and the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, commission participants include:

  • Canon Robert Williams, diocesan staff liaison and canon for common life; parishioner at St. James in the City, Los Angeles
  • Full List of Commission Members can be viewed here.

The commission meets virtually each month.

About the Commission on Climate Change’s Work

During the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, the House of Bishop’s named the climate crisis an urgent concern that affects all issues of social justice. In a statement issued on the final day of the gathering, they proclaimed:

“As people of faith, we are not without hope, but the sustainability of God’s creation demands our action. Confronting climate change and environmental degradation has never been more urgent. As members of The Episcopal Church, we are committed in baptism to resist evil, seek God’s will, treat all people with dignity, and strive for justice and peace. Living into these promises, we must face the climate crisis for the sake of love of God and neighbor”

As part of this vital work, The Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change is committed to keeping congregations and communities of the Diocese of Los Angeles informed and inspired as we collaboratively respond to the developing climate crisis. The commission meets regularly to discuss developments, analyze priorities, and mobilize collective action.

Resource Guide

The Commission on Climate Change has compiled resources in key areas of interest and insight that will support parishes in the work of implementing sustainability and resiliency measures while connecting to the spiritual grounding that guides us in the work of creation care, Earth healing, and climate advocacy. Select a category to learn more about how you and your congregation can be involved.

To schedule an educational program, Climate Change 101: Hope is a Renewable Resource, for your congregation, click here.

For a general list of Climate Change resources including organization links, articles, books, practical and spiritual resources, click here.




Green Tips & Creation Care Commentary

Use in your church bulletin to nourish ecological faith in your congregation & community

October 16, 2024

Green Food Choices

Did you know the food choices you make and the way you shop for, prepare, and serve food can negatively impact the environment? Well, that is absolutely true—and it is becoming increasingly important that we all help our environment in every way we can. Here are some great “eating green” tips to help you get started.

Try eating nonmeat meals a couple of times per week. It is now known that the cost to the environment of meat production is far greater than the cost to produce vegetarian protein foods such as soybeans, legumes, etc.

Make a shopping list. Take inventory of everything you need for preparing healthy meals before you head out the door. This will prevent multiple trips back and forth to the store. You’ll save on fuel, help reduce gasoline emissions, and save wear and tear on your car. You’ll also avoid impulse buying. Stick to the perimeter of the store, where healthier choices tend to be located.

 Got canvas? Neither paper nor plastic bags are a good choice for the environment. It takes gallons of crude oil to make plastic bags, and many trees are sacrificed to make paper bags. Invest in reusable (preferably canvas) shopping bags—and be sure that you bring them with you to the grocery and all stores!

 Stop buying bottled water. Americans buy billions of plastic water bottles every year, and every year many of those empty bottles get thrown in the trash. The environmental cost for transporting bottled water is enormous too. Break the habit—use a neoprene or stainless steel bottle instead (or check for cool recycled aluminum bottles made in the USA). Tap water is regulated by the EPA with stricter inspection regimens than bottled water, which is regulated by the FDA.

 Buy local and organic. Buying locally grown foods cuts down on the environmental costs associated with transporting produce to your community from great distances. Try to choose organic produce whenever possible as this is an excellent way to reduce exposure to pesticides and help reduce the runoff and pollutants that may contaminate our water, soil, and air.

 Cook and clean up efficiently. Save energy and speed up cooking times by covering pots. When it’s time to clean up, make sure the dishwasher is “full” before you run it. If you have a small number of dirty dishes, think about doing them the old-fashioned way: by hand, with no running water, and be sure to use a biodegradable dish detergent.

Click Here to view our full Green Tip Archive

Many thanks to Gloria Sefton & Kathy Cartelli for graciously sharing these Green Tips as church bulletin resources for Episcopal congregations in the Diocese of Los Angeles.

Climate Change Updates from the Episcopal News

St. Paul’s Commons helps host first-ever Echo Park Earth Fest

St. Paul’s Commons helps host first-ever Echo Park Earth Fest

[The Episcopal News] Offering free compost and cookbooks, ministry partners at St. Paul’s Commons – headquarters of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles – staffed one of the busiest booths at the first-ever Echo Park Earth Fest, held April 27. Thousands of Angelenos...

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