You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including Margarita Galvez, retiring after 18 years of faithful service at St. Paul’s Commons (thanks for the photo, Canon Bob Williams) … Orange County business executive (and an old friend from Nixon library days) Russ Colvin, a St. Margaret’s School parent … the Rt. Rev. David Kodia, second bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Bondo in Kenya, with his friend and colleague of many years, the Rev. Dr. George Okusi, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Costa Mesa … my hosts for a lecture at the Jonathan Club in downtown Los Angeles: program chair George Newhouse; Eric Edmunds of St. Matthew’s, who introduced me; and Breakfast Club secretary Jason Mayo … priest colleagues spotted at St. Paul’s Commons: The Rev. Dr. Rachel Nyback and the Rev. Nathan Biornstad, the Rev. Jerry Sather, and the Rev. Jeff Thornberg … and at a regional meeting of deacons and priests in Santa Monica, new colleagues at St. Alban’s in Westwood: the Rev. Christie Mossman, the longtime deacon, and the new rector, the Rev. Adam Dawkins.