You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Rev. Jana Milhon-Martin, founder of the Center for Lay Chaplaincy, and the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy … Lou Moore, executive director of FosterAll and formerly head of the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, with Canon Bob Williams and me at a planning session for a new L.A. County consortium of faith leaders … diocesan Altar Guild director Majorie Cooley, in painstaking discernment about vessels for holy oil for our upcoming clergy renewal of vows service … the Rev. John Watson and Canon Clare Zabala-Bangao … to talk about his work at IRIS Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service, Los Angeles and the complexities of government grants, executive director Troy Elder … at the Huntington Library Museum and Botanical Gardens, Anna Grimes, vestry member at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, and her family; she and her colleagues are searching for a new dean (Anna spotted Canon Kathy Hannigan O’Connor’s St. John Chrysostom Church tote bag and made us for Episco-Pals) … at the first in-person meeting of the Diocesan Investment Trust since the Trump administration, Wilshire Consulting’s Maggie Ralbovsky, DIT treasurer Lynne Brickner, and diocesan treasurer Canon Andy Tomat … for a fascinating conversation about his discernment as a trend-setting lay leader, health clinic executive and physicians assistant Mark Milliron of Trinity Redlands (and, he told me, college roommate of the Rev. Canon Greg Larkin) … to talk about the seasons of his ministry, the Rev. Jose Garcia, a leader in the Cursillo movement … and for what turned into an epic conversation about the future college of and young adult ministry in the diocese, the Rev. Dr. Glenn Libby, shown with the Rev. Canon Thomas Quijada-Discavage, Canon Clare, the Rev. Susan Stanton, and Canon Melissa.