God of all, we thank you for this opportunity to be together. Dios de todos, te damos gracias por esta oportunidad de estar juntos.

We know you experience joy whenever your people share food and fellowship. Sabemos que experimentas alegría cada vez que tu gente comparte comida y compañerismo.

You created us to love you and love others. Loneliness and isolation separate us not just from one another but also from you. Being together, we share in your love. Nos creaste para amarte y amar a los demás. La soledad y el aislamiento nos separan no sólo unos de otros sino también de ti. Al estar juntos, compartimos tu amor.

God of all, bless our food today. Dios de todos, bendice nuestra comida de hoy.

Bless the many wonderful volunteers and benefactors who helped you create our meal. Bendice a los maravillosos voluntarios y benefactores que te ayudaron a crear nuestra comida.

Bless all your people — especially those who don’t have enough to eat or a safe place to sleep. Bendice a todo tu pueblo, especialmente a aquellos que no tienen suficiente para comer ni un lugar seguro para dormir.

Bless politicians and all who help those in need. Bendito sea el político y todos que ayudan a los necesitados.

We bless you, because you bless us. We love the people in our lives, because you love us. We thank you, because you gave us life and hope. Te bendecimos porque tú nos bendices. Amamos a las personas en nuestras vidas, porque tú nos amas. Te damos gracias, porque nos diste vida y esperanza.

We pray in your name. Oramos en tu nombre. Amén.

My prayer and, below, scrapbook from the community meal service today at St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park for an estimated 250 of our neighbors, cochaired by Canon Luis Garabay of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and Dolores DeAngelis of St. Athanasius Episcopal Church, Echo Park.

It was a blessing to see the new St. Athanasius priest in charge, the Rev. John Watson, and his family, newly arrived from London.

Our partners in this annual ministry are Seeds of Hope, Friday Foodbank, Parkview Living, our St. Paul’s co-tenants the Immaculate Heart Community, and Nefesh, our resident Jewish worship community, who donated over 25 roasted turkeys.