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Convention Notes

An archive of messages from the Secretary of Convention


Canon Dr. Steve Nishibayashi
Secretary of Convention

January 2019

This is the first monthly communication from the Secretary of Convention.

 I would like to thank the diocese for entrusting me with the responsibilities of Secretary of Convention.

As the year progresses, I plan to keep the diocese informed about upcoming events and deadlines. Many of the deadlines are also included in the 2019 Diocesan calendar, available at the Cathedral Center and already distributed to many congregations.

I have received many supportive comments and useful criticisms of the 2018 Diocesan Convention. I am in the process of reading all of the submitted evaluations and will be generating an email survey to assist in the planning of the 2019 Diocesan Convention, to be held at the Riverside Convention Center November 15 – 16.

To make sure we communicate information about Convention to those who need it, please submit to the Secretary of Convention’s office (snishibayashi@ladiocese.org) the names and contact information of all lay delegates as they are elected.

We are still missing a few of the electronic voting devices used for the first time at the 2018 Diocesan Convention. If you inadvertently failed to return your device, please return it to my office at the Cathedral Center as soon as possible, as we will be charged $80 for each unreturned device.

Parochial reports are now available for filing with The Episcopal Church. The form is here. You will need to enter your UEID and PIN numbers in order to file. These reports are due March 30, 2019 and are vital to collecting current and accurate data from which The Episcopal Church generates demographic reports and plans budget and programs. These reports may seem like low-priority items, but your hard work and visionary programs can not be duly recorded and recognized unless you file the parochial report. Additionally, timely filing reduces time and energy required from the administrative staff, freeing them to perform other tasks.

I appreciate your assistance in doing God’s work in the Diocese of Los Angeles.