Call to the Wall 2021

Called to the Wall virtual pilgrimage set for May 15 in solidarity with migrants

Three dioceses – Los Angeles, San Diego, and Western Mexico – have united to host the 10th annual “Called to the Wall” via crucis pilgrimage as an online event set for Saturday, May 15, 4:30-6pm. All are welcome, and participants are asked to register here in English or Spanish via the website of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.

Los Angeles Bishop Suffragan Diane M. Jardine Bruce, a co-founder and leader of the pilgrimage since its inception, will welcome participants to the online observance, and join Los Angeles Bishop John Harvey Taylor, San Diego Bishop Susan Brown Snook and Western Mexico Bishop Ricardo Gómez Osnaya who will offer reflections during the joint observance. Professor Jennifer Hughes, who proposed the original Called to the Wall observance, is part of a planning team with members from all three dioceses.

Dedicated to building bridges of healing and reconciliation, the Called to the Wall pilgrimage seeks to increase solidarity and awareness around conditions faced by migrants on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. border

Music and video will be interspersed between prayers led by representatives of the three dioceses. The order of worship calls for the Diocese of Western Mexico to lead “Section 1: Stories from the border/ Historias de la Frontera,” the Diocese of Los Angeles to lead “Section 2: Christian Response / La Respuesta Cristiana,” and the Diocese of San Diego to lead “Section 3: What is our Hope? ¿Cuál es nuestra esperanza?”

Among the bishops, Gómez Osnaya will describe conditions that lead people to leave their homes to come to a strange country, and the plight they suffer in migrant camps south of the border while they await their hearings. Taylor will reflect on the theological foundation for this work and the church’s role in providing sanctuary and respecting the dignity of every human being,  and Snook will outline the issue of unaccompanied migrant children and about ways people can help.

More information is available at .