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Faith Formation & Spiritual Grounding for Creation Care


Even as we urgently respond to climate crisis and its myriad consequences, as people of faith, it is important to recognize that our relationship with creation extends beyond the need to steward Earth’s resources and be active advocates for environmental care.

As we respond to the clear, present, and increasing threat of climate crisis, it’s vital that we recognize our work as Episcopalians is not just about responding to climate change. At the most recent General Convention, the House of Bishops put forward a statement that read in part, “We are only fully human and fully alive when we are in right relationship with the whole created order. Apart from each other and nature, we are not our whole selves.” 

The crisis we face is not solely ecological. It is also spiritual. The following resources have been compiled to help congregations and Episcopal communities explore the spiritual grounding for creation care and formation resources for establishing an ecological faith that honors right relationship with the whole created order:

Getting Started

 Study Guides, Small Group Formation, and Liturgical Resources 

