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Local congregations are the heart of ministry across the six-county Diocese of Los Angeles. All congregations of the diocese are listed here alphabetically by city with links to their websites.

Alhambra, Holy Trinity & St. Benedict Parish, 412 N. Garfield Ave., 91801, www.htsbalhambra.org

Altadena, St. Mark’s Parish, 1014 E. Altadena Drive, 91001, www.saintmarksaltadena.org

Anaheim, St. Michael’s Parish, 211 W. South St., 92805 stmichaelsanaheim.org

Apple Valley, St. Timothy’s Parish, 15757 St. Timothy Road, 92307, www.sttimshd.org

Arcadia, Transfiguration Parish, 1881 S. First Ave., 91006, http: (website in transition)

Barstow, St. Paul’s Mission, 512 E. Williams St., 92311, www.shepherdstpaulsbarstow.weebly.com

Beaumont, St. Stephen’s Parish, 225 E. Eighth St., 92223, www.ststephensbeaumont.com

Beverly Hills, All Saints’ Parish, 504 N. Camden Dr., 90210, www.allsaintsbh.org

Big Bear Lake, St. Columba’s/ Spirit of Peace Church, 42324 N. Shore Drive, 92315, (website in transition)

Buena Park, St. Joseph’s Parish, 8300 Valley View St., 90622, www.stjosephsbuenapark.org

Camarillo, St. Columba’s Parish, 1251 Las Posas Road, 93010, www.stcolumbaca.com/

Claremont, St. Ambrose Parish, 830 W. Bonita Ave., 91711, www.stambroseclaremont.org

Compton, St. Timothy’s Parish, 312-A S. Oleander Ave., 90220 (website in transition)

Corona, St. John the Baptist Parish, 526 Old Magnolia, 92879, www.stjohnscorona.org

Corona del Mar, St. Michael & All Angels Parish, 3223 Pacific View Drive, 92625, www.stmikescdm.org

Costa Mesa, St. John the Divine Parish, 183 E. Bay St., 92627, www.stjohncm.org

Covina, Holy Trinity Parish, 100 N. Third Ave., 91723, www.holytrinitycovina.com

Culver City, Thad’s Worshiping Community, 8520 Warner Dr, 90230, www.thads.church

Downey, St. Mark’s Parish, 10354 S. Downey Ave., 90241 www.stmarksdowney.org

El Monte, Immanuel Mission, 4366 Santa Anita Ave., 91731, (website in transition)

El Segundo, St. Michael the Archangel Parish, 361 Richmond Ave., 90245, www.stmichaels-elsegundo.org

Encino, St. Nicholas of Myra Parish, 17114 Ventura Blvd., 91316, www.saintnicholasencino.org

Fillmore, Trinity Parish, 600 Saratoga St., 93016, www.trinityfillmore.org

Fontana, St. Luke’s Ministry Center, 16657 Upland Ave., 92335 (no active website)

Fullerton, Emmanuel Parish, 1145 W. Valencia Mesa Drive, 92833, www.emmanuelfullerton.org

Fullerton, St. Andrew’s Parish, 1231 E. Chapman Ave., 92831, www.saintandrewsfullerton.com

Garden Grove, St. Anselm’s Parish, 13091 Galway St., 92844, www.saintanselmgg.org

Gardena, Holy Communion Mission, 1160 W. 141 St., 90247, (website in transition)

Glendale, La Magdalena Mission, 1011 S. Verdugo Road, 91205, www.lamagdalenachurch.org

Glendale, St. Mark’s Parish, 1020 N. Brand Ave., 91202, www.saintmarks.la

Glendora, Grace Parish, 555 E. Mountain View Ave., 91741, www.graceglendora.org

Granada Hills, St. Andrew & St. Charles Parish, 16651 Rinaldi St., 91344, www.2saints.org

Hacienda Heights, St. Thomas Mission, 15694 Tetley St., 91745, www.stthomashh.com

Hawthorne, St. George’s Mission, 4679 W. El Segundo Blvd., 90251, www.stgeorge-hawthorne.org

Hermosa Beach, St. Cross Parish, 1818 Monterey Blvd., 90254, www.stcross.org

Hesperia, St. Hilary’s Mission, 11305 Hesperia Road, 92345, www.shchurch.org

Huntington Beach, St. Wilfrid of York Parish, 18631 Chapel Lane, 92646, www.stwilfridschurch.org

Huntington Park, St. Clement’s Parish, 6909 Rugby Ave., 90255, www.sanclementederoma.org

Inglewood, Holy Faith Parish, 260 N. Locust St., 90301, www.holyfaithinglewood.org

Irvine, St. Andrew’s Mission,  4400 Barranca Parkway, 92604, www.standrewsirvine.org

Isla Vista, St. Michael’s University Mission, 6586 Picasso Road, 93117, www.saintmikesucsb.org

La Cañada, St. George’s Parish, 4467 Commonwealth Ave., 91011, www.saintglc.org

La Crescenta, St. Luke’s of the Mountains Mission, 2563 Foothill Blvd., 91214, www.stlukeslacrescenta.org

La Verne, St. John’s Mission, 4745 Wheeler Ave., 91750, www.stjohnslaverne.org

Laguna Beach, St. Mary’s Parish, 428 Park Ave., 92651, www.stmaryslagunabeach.org

Laguna Hills, St. George’s Mission, 23802 Avenida de la Carlota, 92653, www.stgeorgesparish.org

Laguna Niguel, Faith Mission, 27802 El Lazo, 92677, www.faithepiscopal.org

Lake Arrowhead, St. Richard of Chichester Mission, 28708 Highway 18, Skyforest 92385, www.strichardsweb.org

Lancaster, St. Paul’s Parish, 502 W. Avenue K, 93534, www.saintpaulslancaster.org

Lompoc, St. Mary’s Parish, 2800 Harris Grade Road, 93438, www.stmaryslompoc.org

Long Beach, St. Gregory’s Parish, 6201 E. Willow St., 90815, www.stgregoryschurch.com

Long Beach, St. Thomas of Canterbury Mission, 5306 Arbor Road, 90808, www.stthomascanterbury.org

Long Beach, St. Luke’s Parish, 525 E. Seventh St., 90801, www.stlukeslb.org

L.A. (Atwater Village/Silver Lake), Holy Spirit Fellowship, 3621 Brunswick Ave., 90039, www.holyspirit-la.org

L.A. (Central), St. Philip the Evangelist Parish, 2800 Stanford Ave., 90011, stphilipslosangeles.org

L.A. (Crenshaw) Christ the Good Shepherd Parish, 3303 W. Vernon Ave., 90008, www.christthegoodshepherdla.org

L.A. (Downtown), St. John’s Cathedral, 514 W. Adams Blvd., 90007, www.stjohnsla.org

L.A. (Eagle Rock), St. Barnabas Congregation, 2109 Chickasaw Ave., 90041, www.saintbe.org

L.A. (East Hollywood), Trinity Parish, 650 N. Berendo Ave., 90029, (website in transition)

L.A. (Echo Park), St. Athanasius at St. Paul’s Commons, 840 Echo Park Ave., 90026, www.saintala.org

L.A. (Highland Park), All Saints’ Parish, 5619 Monte Vista St., 90042, www.allsaintsla.net

L.A. (Hollywood), St. Stephen’s Parish, 6125 Carlos Ave., 90028, www.ststephenshollywood.org

L.A. (Hollywood), St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 7501 Hollywood Blvd., 90046, www.saintthomashollywood.org

L.A. (Koreatown), St. Mary’s Parish, 961 S. Mariposa Ave., 90006, www.stmarys-la.org

L.A. (Lincoln Heights), Epiphany Mission, 2808 Altura St., 90031, (website in transition)

L.A. (Mar Vista/Venice), St. Bede’s Parish, 3590 S. Grandview Blvd., 90066, www.stbedesla.org

L.A. (Palms), St. Mary in Palms Parish, 3647 Watseka Ave., 90034, www.stmarypalms.org

L.A. (West Adams), Advent Parish, 4976 W. Adams Blvd., 90016, www.adventla.org

L.A. (Westchester), Holy Nativity Parish, 6700 W. 83rd St., 90045, www.holynativityparish.org

L.A. (Westwood), St. Alban’s Parish, 580 Hilgard Ave., 90025, www.stalbanswestwood.org

L.A. (Wilshire Center), St. James’ in-the-City Parish, 3903 Wilshire Blvd, 90010, www.stjla.org

Los Olivos, St. Mark’s in-the-Valley Parish, 2901 Nojoqui Avenue, 93441, www.smitv.org/

Malibu, St. Aidan’s Parish, 28211 W. Pacific Coast Highway, 90365, www.staidanschurch.org

Monrovia, St. Luke the Physician Parish, 122 S. California Ave., 91019, www.saintlukesmonrovia.org

Monterey Park, St. Gabriel’s Parish, 133 E. Graves Ave., 91755, http://saintgabrielsepisc.wixsite.com/sgec

Moreno Valley, Grace Mission, 11349 Perris Blvd., 92557, (website in transition)

Needles, St. John the Evangelist Parish, 2020 J Street, 92363, (website in transition)

Newport Beach, St. James’ Parish, 3209 Via Lido, 92663, www.stjamesnewport.org

Norwalk, St. Francis’ Mission, 12700 Paddison Ave., 90650,  saintfrancisnorwalk.com

Oak Park, Church of the Epiphany Mission, 5450 Churchwood Drive, 91377, www.tcote.org 

Ojai, St. Andrew’s Parish, 409 Topa Topa Drive, 93023, https://standrewschurchojai.org

Ontario, Christ Church Parish, 1127 N. San Antonio Ave., 91762, www.christchurchontario.net

Orange, Trinity Parish, 2400 N. Canal St., 92865, www.trinityorange.org

Oxnard, All Saints’ Parish, 144 S. C St., 93030, www.allsantos.org

Pacific Palisades, St. Matthew’s Parish, 1031 Bienveneda Ave., 90272, www.stmatthews.com

Palos Verdes Estates, St. Francis’ Parish, 220 Via Rosa, 90274, http://stfrancispalosverdes.org

Pasadena, All Saints’ Parish, 132 N. Euclid Ave., 91101, www.allsaints-pas.org

Pasadena, Church of the Angels Parish, 1100 Avenue 64, 91105, www.coa-pasadena.org

Pasadena, St. Barnabas’ Parish, 1062 N. Fair Oaks Ave., 91103, http://stbarnabaspasadena.org

Pico Rivera, St. Bartholomew’s Mission, 7540 S. Passons Blvd., 90660, (website in transition)

Placentia, Blessed Sacrament Parish, 1314 N. Angelina Drive, 92870, https://blessedsacramentplacentia.org/

Pomona, St. Paul’s Parish, 242 E. Alvarado St., 91767, www.saintpaulspomona.org

Rancho Santa Margarita, St. John Chrysostom Mission, 30382 Via Con Dios, 92688, www.stjohnsrsm.org

Redlands, Trinity Parish, 419 S. Fourth St., 92373, www.redlandsepiscopal.org

Redondo Beach, Christ Church Parish, 408 S. Broadway, 90277, www.andrewandchrist.org

Rialto, St. Peter’s Mission, 777 N. Acacia Ave., 92376, www.stpetersrialto.org

Riverside, All Saints’ Parish, 3847 Terracina Drive, 92506, http://allsaintsriverside.org

Riverside, St. George’s Parish, 960 Spruce St., 92507, www.stgeorgesriverside.org

Riverside, St. Michael’s Mission Outreach Center, 4070 Jackson St., 92503, (website in transition)

San Bernardino, St. Francis’ Mission Outreach Center, 2855 Sterling Ave., 92413, (website in transition)

San Bernardino, St. John’s Parish, 1407 N. Arrowhead Ave., 92405, (website in transition)

San Clemente, St. Clement’s by-the-Sea Parish, 202 Avenida Aragon, 92672, http://scbythesea.org

San Fernando, St. Simon’s Parish, 623 N. Hagar St. 91340, (website in transition)

San Gabriel, Church of Our Saviour Parish, 535 W. Roses Road, 91775, www.churchofoursaviour.org

San Juan Capistrano, St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, 92675, www.stmarg.org

San Marino, St. Edmund’s Parish, 1175 San Gabriel Blvd., 91108, https://saintedmunds.org

San Pedro, St. Peter’s Parish, 1648 W. Ninth St., 90732, http://stpeterssanpedro.org

Santa Ana, Messiah Parish, 614 N. Bush St., 92701, www.messiah-santaana.org

Santa Barbara, All Saints’ by-the-Sea Parish, 83 Eucalyptus Lane, 93108, http://allsaintsbythesea.org

Santa Barbara, Christ the King Parish, 5073 Hollister Ave., 93111, www.ctksb.org

Santa Barbara, Trinity Parish, 1500 State St., 93101, www.trinitysb.org

Santa Clarita, St. Stephen’s Parish, 24901 Orchard Village Road, 91355, https://www.st-stephens.org

Santa Maria, St. Peter’s Parish, 402 S. Lincoln St., 93458, www.stpeterssm.org

Santa Monica, St. Augustine by-the-Sea Parish, 1227 Fourth St., 90401, www.saint-augustine.org

Santa Paula, St. Paul’s Parish, 117 N. Seventh St., 93060, https://stpeaelc.org

Seal Beach, St. Theodore of Canterbury, 1240 Oakmont Road, 90740, www.redeemerlutheransealbeach.com

Sierra Madre, Ascsension Parish, 25 E. Laurel Ave., 91024, www.ascension-sierramadre.com

Simi Valley, St. Francis’ Mission, 280 Royal Ave., 93094,  http://www.stfrancischurchofsimi.org/

South Gate, St. Margaret’s Parish, 4704 Tweedy Blvd., 90280, (website in transition)

South Pasadena, St. James’ Parish, 1325 Monterey Road, 91030, www.sjcsp.org

Studio City, St. Michael & All Angels Parish, 3646 Coldwater Canyon Ave., 91604, www.stmikessc.org

Thousand Oaks, St. Patrick’s Parish, One Church Road, 91362, http://www.stpatschurch.org

Torrance, St. Andrew’s Parish, 1432 Engracia Ave., 90501,  www.andrewandchrist.org

Tustin, St. Paul’s Parish, 1221 Wass St., 92780, https://stpauls.org

Twentynine Palms, St. Martin in-the-Fields Mission, 72348 Larrea Road, 92277, (website in transition)

Upland, St. Mark’s Parish, 330 E. 16th St., 91754, http://www.stmarksupland.org

Van Nuys, St. Mark’s Parish, 14646 Sherman Way, 91405, www.stmarksvannuys.org

Ventura, St. Paul’s Parish, 3290 Loma Vista Road, 93003, www.saintpaulsventura.org

Whittier, St. Matthias’ Parish, 7056 S. Washington Ave., 90602, www.stmatthiaswhittier.org

Wilmington, St. John’s Mission/Holy Child PIC, 1537 Neptune Ave., 90744, (website in transition)

Winnetka, St. Martin in-the-Fields Parish, 7136 Winnetka Ave., 91306, www.stmartinswinnetka.org

Woodland Hills, Prince of Peace Parish, 5700 Rudnick Ave., 91367, www.popwh.org

Yucaipa, St. Alban’s Mission, 12692 Fifth St., 92399, www.stalbansyucaipa.org

Yucca Valley, St. Joseph of Arimathea Mission, 56312 Onaga Trail, 92284, (website in transition)