Corporation of the Diocese

The Corporation of the Diocese oversees matters pertaining to finance, audits, insurance, taxes, legal documents, purchase and sale of properties, renovations, and bequests, among other fiduciary aspects of diocesan life. The Corporation meets virtually from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Members are elected by Diocesan Convention.


The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor, bishop of Los Angeles
Executive Committee

Charlotte Borst (2023)
First Vice President
Executive Committee

The Rev. Michael Corrigan (2024)

Elizabeth (Betsy) Densmore (2024)
Executive Committee

Mimi Grant (2023)
Second Vice President
Executive Committee

Artur Grigorian (2025)

The Rev. Dr. Rachel Nyback (2025)

Mary Pierson (2024)

Ex-officio members (non-voting)

The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy
Canon to the Ordinary

Canon Janet Wylie
Standing Committee Representative

The Rev. Susan Stanton
Director of Finance and CFO

Canon Andy Tomat

Martha Macias

Canon Abigail Urquidi
Executive Assistant to the Bishop and the Canon to the Ordinary