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Diocesan Council

A body of elected clergy and lay representatives, Diocesan Council oversees and shapes diocesan program between meetings of Diocesan Convention. Diocesan Council usually meets at the Cathedral Center at 4pm on the second Thursday on each month. Following is a listing of representatives including those elected by Diocesan Convention, and those elected by each of the diocese’s 10 geographic deaneries.

The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor

Bishop Suffragan
The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce

Secretary of Convention
Canon Steve Nishibayashi

Treasurer of the Diocese
Canon Andy Tomat

President, Diocesan ECW
Christine Budzowski

Chancellor of the Diocese
Canon Richard Zevnik

Representative from Program Group on Missions
The Rev. Canon Kelli Grace Kurtz

Representative from the General Convention Deputation
Thomas Diaz

Representatives from Standing Committee
The Very Rev. Canon Gary Hall
Lay: Anne Wohlcke

Representatives from Corporation of the Diocese
The Rev. Antonio Gallardo
Lay: Ravi Verma 

Members Elected by Diocesan Convention


The Rev. Paul Price (2023)

The Rev. Dr. William Wallace (2024)

The Rev. Cecelia Schroeder (2025)


Dave Moreno (2023)

Ken Higginbotham (2024)

Richard Henderson (2025)

Bishop’s Staff

Canon to the Ordinary
The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy

Executive Assistant to Bishops & Canon to the Ordinary
Canon Abigail Urquidi 

Chief Financial Officer
The Rev. Susan Stanton

Canon for Common Life
Canon Robert Williams

The Episcopal News
Canon Janet Kawamoto, editor
The Rev. Canon Pat McCaughan, correspondent

Convention Coordinator / Recording Secretary
Samantha Wylie

Members Elected by Deaneries

Deanery 1

Clergy: The Rev. Liz Williams
Lay: Canon Jim Alexander

Deanery 2

ClergyThe Rev. Christopher Montella
Lay: Brendan Krabach

Deanery 3

ClergyThe Very Rev. Canon lan Davies
LayRandy Williams

Deanery 4

ClergyThe Rev. James Prendergast
LayMr. Dan Valdez

Deanery 5

ClergyThe Rev. Neil Tadken
LayCanon Ann Seitz

Deanery 6

Clergy: The Rev. Jessie Smith
LayDorina Green

Deanery 7

Clergy:  The Rev. John Limo
Lay: Nancy Doss

Deanery 8

Clergy: The Rev. Nathan Biornstad
Lay: Marjorie Cooley

Deanery 9

Clergy: The Very Rev. Jeannie Martz
Lay: Mr. Don Harrell

Deanery 10

Clergy: The Rev. Barbara Stewart
Lay: Michael Morris


| Deanery 1

Clergy:  The Reverend Lawrence Brown

Trinity Church Fillmore, CA 

Lay: Mr. Steve Seebach

| Deanery 2

Clergy: The Reverend Dan Justin

St. Michael’s Church Studio City, CA

Lay: Mr. Brendan Krabach

| Deanery 3

Clergy: The Very Reverend Canon James Newman

 St. Bede’s Church

Lay: Canon Annette V. Graw

| Deanery 4

Clergy: The Reverend Michael S. Bell – Good Samaritan Hospital (Pastoral Care Dept.)

Lay: Canon Roy Salmon

| Deanery 5

Clergy: The Reverend Carri Grindon – St. Mark’s Church Altadena, CA

Lay: Mr. Dino Kidde

| Deanery 6

Clergy: The Rev. Keith Yamamoto – St. Mark’s Church Upland, CA

Lay: Ms. Jullie McCurdy

| Deanery 7

Clergy: The Reverend Mary Crist 

Lay: Mr. Neil Hartschum

| Deanery 8

Clergy: The  Reverend Arthur Toro  – Holy Communion Church Gardena, CA

Lay: Ms Shelly Crilly

| Deanery 9

Clergy: The Reverend Kay Sylvester

Lay: Ms Morgan Mullins

| Deanery 10

Clergy: The Reverend Canon Mary Crist