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Diocesan Investment Trust

Address DIT inquiries to NRS_DITLA@nrstpa.com

Access your DIT account here

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Diocesan Investment Trust (DIT) was created in 1949 as a valuable service offered to diocesan congregations and institutions. It has been used over time to relieve local churches and church affiliates of the burden and worry of oversight of monies which need to last and grow over time for the church’s purposes.

Approximately 150 shareholders representing a variety of churches and church institutions are invested in the DIT. The account size ranges from hundreds to millions of dollars. Transactions in or out are restricted to the end of each calendar month.

Congregations and institutions with investments in the Diocesan Investment Trust (DIT) are requested to use a special email address – NRS_DITLA@nrstpa.com – for questions about their DIT accounts.

NRS is one of the largest fund administration firms in the country. To facilitate a prompt response, DIT investors are served by a dedicated team of NRS staff working from various locations, so please use this email address in the future rather than addressing your calls or inquiries to an individual.

The client access portal is here. You will need your account name and password to log in.

Other inquiries, including  requests for enrollment, may be directed to Canon Gail Urquidi, canon for Congregational Support, at finance@ladiocese.org.

The DIT offers two investment options:

  • The DIT Monthly Money Market Fund, for shorter-term investment needs.
  • The Diocesan Investment Trust Long-Term Diversified Fund.

(Further content on this page is currently in development.)