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(213) 482-2040

Staff Directory

St. Paul’s Commons

Formerly known as the Cathedral Center of St. Paul

840 Echo Park Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90026
Phone: 213.482.2040
Fax: 213.482.5304

Staff listed by department

The Bishop’s Office

Bishop Diocesan
The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor
ext. 243   |   

Canon to the Ordinary, Chief of Staff
The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy
ext. 231   |  

Canon for Engagement
The Rev. Canon Susan Russell
ext. 223  |

Executive Assistant to the Bishop and the Canon to the Ordinary
Canon Abigail Urquidi
ext. 270   | 

Secretary of Convention
Canon Steve Nishibayashi
ext. 276   | 

The Ven. Laura Siriani

St. Athanasius Church

The Rev. John Watson

St. Paul’s Commons

Building Superintendent
Canon Luis Garibay
ext. 258   | 

Retreat Center Manager
Canon Anilin Collado
ext. 250    | 

Front Desk
Gloria De Angelis
ext. 200 | gdeangelis@ladiocese.org

Custodial Assistant
Mr. Bernardo Lopez
ext. 200   | 

Common Life / Communication & Public Affairs

Canon for Common Life
Canon Robert Williams
ext. 240   |  bobwilliams@ladiocese.org

Communications Coordinator
Mostyn Trudinger-Smith
ext. 251 | mtrudinger-smith@ladiocese.org

Correspondent, The Episcopal News
The Rev. Canon Patricia McCaughan

Episcopal Community Federal Credit Union

Johnny Lee
ext. 286 | customerservice@episcopalcredit.org

Loan Services
Stacey Fusick
ext. 203   |   

VITA Program Administrator
Fred Zuno
ext. 203

Member Services
Margarita Mira
ext. 254

The Episcopal News

Managing Editor / Communications Coordinator
Mostyn Trudinger-Smith
ext. 251 | mtrudinger-smith@ladiocese.org

Senior Correspondent
The Rev. Canon Patricia McCaughan


Treasurer of the Diocese
Andrew Tomat

Chief Financial Officer
The Rev. Susan Stanton
ext. 233 | sstanton@ladiocese.org

Administrative Assistant to the Director of Finance
Ms. Julie Kelly
ext. 227   |  jkelly@ladiocese.org

Ms. Martha Macias
ext. 268   | 

Accounts Payable Manager
Ms. Melania Garibay
ext. 214   |   

Accounts Receivable Manager
Ms. Carla Burgess
ext. 229

Christian Formation, Children, Youth

Missioner for Christian Formation, Children, Youth
Missy Morain

Formation and Transition Ministry

Missioner for Formation and Transition Ministry
The Rev. Canon Tom Quijada-Discavage
ext. 220   | 

Associate for Formation & Transition Ministry
The Rev. Norma Guerra
ext 222   | 

Human Resources

Missioner for Human Resources
Canon Anilin Collado
ext. 250   |   

Ministry Offices

Director, PRISM Restorative Justice
Sharon Crandall
ext. 256 |

Executive Director, Seeds of Hope
Steven Trapasso
ext. 235 |


Administrative Coordinator for Mission Congregations
Canon Clare Zabala-Bangao
ext. 248   |   

Secretary of Convention’s Office

Secretary of Convention
Canon Steve Nishibayashi
ext. 276   |  

Convention Coordinator
Samantha Wylie
ext. 276 | swylie@ladiocese.org


Executive Director, Commission on Schools
The Rev. Ryan Newman
ext. 215   | rnewman@ladiocese.org