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The Laity in the Life, Worship,

& Leadership of the Church

The laity of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles have many ways to participate in the life, worship, and leadership of the church.  In fact, without the laity the church would have no life at all. Therefore, the laity are essential to the overall health of the church.

Lay persons participate in the worship of the church as musicians, choir members, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, readers, prayer ministers, acolytes, chalice bearers, alter guild members, ushers, vergers, greeters, and when properly authorized, preachers. Those who possess craft skills have contributed to the sewing of vestments, the writing of icons, and creating decorations that signify the changing of the seasons on the church calendar. Others do simple tasks that enhance our worship that often go unnoticed.

The laity have many ways to participate in congregational leadership. In addition to being a member of the vestry/bishop’s committee, convention delegate, stewardship committee, or endowment committee, each congregation needs the laity to work along with the clergy in leadership roles.

At the diocesan level, these are just a few of the ways to service in diocesan leadership: the Standing Committee; the Diocesan Council; the Commission on Ministry; the Commission on LBGTQ Ministries; Interfaith, Refugee, and Immigration Services; Laundry Love; PRISM -Prison Ministry; Sacred Resistance; Seeds of Hope; the Commission on Architecture and Land Use; the Commission on Climate Change; the Commission on Gospel Justice and Community Care; Global Partnerships; Wellness; Delegate to General Convention; and many more. See Home – Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles for more information on opportunities to participate in diocesan leadership.