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Episcopal Schools

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The community of Episcopal schools in the Diocese of Los Angeles currently serves more than 9,000 children whose racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds reflect the exciting and enriching diversity of Southern California. Representing a variety of educational approaches, the schools have in common a primary purpose of modeling the Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition while encouraging students to embrace their own faith traditions and spirituality and to learn about those of others. Values and virtues are modeled through the teaching of the great stories of faith; through learning about mindfulness and the stewardship of creation; through corporate worship that is inclusive and welcoming; through community service and outreach that prepares and strengthens students for lives dedicated to justice and service; and through the interactions of the teachers, administrators, clergy and students in each school family. The schools, preschools, and congregations of the diocese offer education of the highest quality to children within and beyond the church walls in a variety of settings and communities.

The Commission on Schools encourages and fosters a strong Episcopal identity within and among the Episcopal schools in the diocese. In this regard, the Commission continues its program of certifying schools through regular visits. The executive director and members of the Commission also consult with heads, directors, rectors, vestries and school boards on matters of governance and promote the professional growth of teachers and administrators through opportunities for regular conferences, workshops and other training events. The Commission facilitates and encourages professional networking within the diocesan school family and disseminates information to families inquiring about Episcopal school opportunities.

In addition, the Commission serves diocesan schools and fulfills its responsibilities under Canon 18.03 by publishing a Directory of Schools; by administering the Franklin Grant program; by consulting with parishes, missions, and other groups seeking to establish new schools and preschools; by representing diocesan schools in the National Association of Episcopal Schools, the California Association of Private Schools Organizations, and other professional organizations; and by providing schools with legislative information and updates.


The Rev. Ryan D. Newman
Executive Director
St. Paul’s Commons
213.482.2040, ext. 215
949.371.1560 cell/text
E-mail: schools@ladiocese.org

Serena Beeks
Executive Director (retiring)
St. Paul’s Commons
213.482.2040, ext. 215
E-mail: schools@ladiocese.org