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Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10. 10

Ways to Give

We believe that God will direct us, and continue to help us build his kingdom. There are many methods that donors can consider when making a pledge commitment or gift, and we encourage donors to consider and chose the method most appropriate for their personal and financial situations.

Pledges are payable over a period up to five years. Payments can be made by check, credit card, electronic funds transfer (EFT), planned gifts, or gifts of stock. Pledges can be paid on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.

Please also remember that a pledge is a good faith promise and that changes can be made at any time.

Members fulfilling commitments by check will receive payment reminders according to the payment schedule detailed through a pledge and a return envelope to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

Credit Card
Many credit card companies offer reward programs for cardholders. Fulfilling your commitment via credit card may also earn you points or cash back.

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
EFT may be the easiest way to fulfill your pledged commitment and many families chose to enroll in an automatic program. The EFT program will automatically debit funds beginning the month after authorization.

Planned Gifts
Remembering the Episcopal Diocese in your will is the most common form of planned giving. Donating a percentage of your estate would be a fitting way to remember the Diocese and could reduce your estate taxes. Please contact your attorney or the Diocese for more information.

Gifts of stock to the EDLA may be a source of significant tax benefits to the donor by eliminating capital gains taxes.

Matching Gifts
Request a matching gift form from your company and include it with your pledge card. Matching gifts are not included in your total pledge to the Diocese.

Please continue to keep the success of the campaign in your prayers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles’s campaign?
The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles’s campaign is an endowment-focused campaign with a goal of raising $40 million+ to serve our neighbors in need, enhance our spiritual formation efforts for both clergy and laity, shore up Diocesan operations, and support the local needs of our congregations.

Why is this campaign needed?
The campaign is an historic opportunity to boldly declare our support for the ministries and programs which enrich our lives, renew our spirit, teach us, and enable us to help those in need. Our essential goal is to create endowed funds which can provide a level of funding in perpetuity, and to renew our commitment to the principles of Christian stewardship by dedicating our time, talent, and treasure to building God’s Kingdom.

Why are we doing this campaign now?
Our mission as a Church is consistently challenged with ever-growing needs and the funding required to address those needs. It is time for us to come together as one with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to accomplish something extraordinary that will serve all of our members and our community.

Why shouldn’t I give solely to my local congregation instead?
Local support and Diocesan support should not be either/or choices. No congregation on its own can accomplish all its goals, and no Diocese can succeed independent of its members. This collaboration allows our Church to accomplish the most that it possibly can in educational, charitable, and innovative programs from each contribution.

How much should I give to the campaign?
Families are asked to prayerfully consider making a five-year commitment over and above their regular giving. It is our hope that every family will make a pledge and/or a planned gift to the campaign. We realize that everyone cannot pledge the same amount as we all have different financial circumstances. Therefore, we are seeking equal sacrifices rather than equal gifts. We ask that each family contribute a sacrificial gift that is meaningful to them.

Why are pledges encouraged instead of one-time donations?
Pledge commitments over five years allow families to make more sacrificial gifts than they might otherwise be capable of making with a one-time gift. A larger contribution is easier to pay off over a period of time rather than out of pocket. Please note that pledges are not legally binding contracts, but rather a statement of intentions.

Is a 10% initial payment required?
No, but it is encouraged. Making an initial payment of 10% will help the Diocese to establish and grow the identified endowments. Also, an initial payment of any amount demonstrates your commitment to fulfilling your pledge.

Do you accept other methods of payment?
To make fulfillment of pledges as easy as possible, we are accepting many forms of payment including, but not limited to: stock donations, IRA distributions, and corporate matching gifts. We will also accept bequests and other planned giving vehicles within guidelines. If you are interested in any of these, please indicate your preferred giving method on the pledge card and a campaign representative will follow up with you.

Will there be full reporting of the Campaign?
Yes. The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles will issue an annual financial report during Convention, and will provide additional reporting online.