Central Coast – Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties
- CAMARILLO, St. Columba’s, 1251 Las Posas Rd., stcolumbaca.com, Sundays 9:30am
- FILLMORE, Trinity, 600 Saratoga St., trinityfillmore.org, Sundays 9am
- ISLA VISTA, St. Michael’s University, 6586 Picasso Rd., saintmikesucsb.org, Sundays 10:30am
- LOMPOC, St. Mary’s, 2800 Harris Grade Rd., stmaryslompoc.org, Sundays 9am
- LOS OLIVOS, St. Mark’s in the Valley, 2901 Nojoqui Ave., smitv.org, Sundays 8, 10, 11:30am, 5pm
- OJAI, St. Andrew’s, 409 Topa Topa Dr., standrewschurchojai.org, Easter 8am Eng; 10am bilingual Eng/español
- OXNARD, All Saints’, 144 S. C St., allsantos.org, Sundays 9:15 English; 11:15 español
- SANTA BARBARA, All Saints by-the-Sea, 83 Eucalyptus Ln., allsaintsbythesea.org, Sundays 8. 10:30am
- SANTA BARBARA, Christ the King, 5073 Hollister Ave., ctksb.org, Sundays 8, 10:30am
- SANTA BARBARA, Trinity, 1500 State St., 93101, trinitysb.org, Sundays 8, 10am; Holy Saturday 7pm
- SANTA MARIA, St. Peter’s, 402 S. Lincoln St., stpeter.ladiocese.org, Sundays 10am
- SANTA PAULA, St. Paul’s/Emmanuel Lutheran, 117 N. 7th St., stpeaelc.org, Sun 10am; Holy Sat 7:30pm
- VENTURA, St. Paul’s, 3290 Loma Vista Rd., saintpaulsventura.org, Sundays 10:15am
Conejo Valley & Simi Valley
- OAK PARK, Church of the Epiphany, 5450 Churchwood Dr., tcote.org, Sundays 10am
- SIMI VALLEY, St. Francis’, 280 Royal Ave., stfrancischurchofsimi.org, Sundays 10:15am
- THOUSAND OAKS, St. Patrick’s, One Church Rd., stpatschurch.org, Sundays 8, 10:15am
Glendale & Crescenta Valley
- GLENDALE, La Magdalena, 1011 S. Verdugo Rd., lamagdalenachurch.org, Sundays/Domingos 11am español
- GLENDALE, St. Mark’s, 1020 N. Brand Ave., saintmarks.la, Sun 8, 10am; Holy Sat 8pm; Easter 10am
- LA CAÑADA, St. George’s, 4467 Commonwealth Ave., saintglc.org, Sundays 10am
- LA CRESCENTA, St. Luke’s, 2563 Foothill Blvd., stlukeslacrescenta.org, Sun 10am English; 12noon español
High Desert
- APPLE VALLEY, St. Timothy’s, 15757 St. Timothy Rd., sttimshd.org, Sundays 8, 10:30am
- HESPERIA, St. Hillary’s, 11305 Hesperia Rd., sthilaryshesperia.com, Sundays 10am
Inland Empire & Desert – Riverside & San Bernardino Counties
- BARSTOW, Shepherd/St. Paul’s, 1301 E. Mountain View St., shepherdstpaulsbarstow.weebly.com, Sun 10am
- BEAUMONT, St. Stephen’s, 225 E. 8th, ststephensbeaumont.com, Sat 3pm; Palm Sun 9am; Easter 8, 10am
- CORONA, St. John the Baptist, 526 Magnolia, stjohnscorona.org, Sundays 8, 10am; Easter 7, 9, 11am
- FONTANA, St. Luke’s Ministry Center, 16557 Upland Ave., Thursdays at 12noon
- MORENO VALLEY, Grace, 11349 Perris Blvd., grace.ladiocese.org, Sundays 8:15, 10am
- NEEDLES, St. John the Evangelist, 2020 J St., 760.326.3522, please see Facebook page, Sundays 9am
- ONTARIO, Christ Church, 1127 N. San Antonio Ave., christchurchontario.net, Sundays; Holy Sat 8pm
- REDLANDS, Trinity, 419 S. Fourth St., episcopalredlands.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- RIALTO, St. Peter’s, 777 N. Acacia Ave., stpeters.ladiocese.org, Sundays 11am
- RIVERSIDE, All Saints’, 3847 Terracina Dr., allsaintsriverside.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- RIVERSIDE, St. George’s, 960 Spruce St., stgeorgesriverside.org, Sundays 10am
- RIVERSIDE, St. Michael’s Ministry Center, 4070 Jackson St., 951.689.0642, Thursdays 6pm
- SAN BERNARDINO, St. Francis’ Ministry Center, 2855 Sterling Ave., 909.862.3104, Sundays 10am
- SAN BERNARDINO, St. John’s, 1407 N. Arrowhead, 909.889.1195 & Facebook page, Sundays 10:30am
- TWENTYNINE PALMS, St. Martin in-the-Fields, 72348 Larrea Rd., 760.401.1837, Sundays 10am
- UPLAND, St. Mark’s, 330 E. 16th St., stmarks-upland.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- YUCAIPA, St. Alban’s, 12692 Fifth St., stalbansyucaipa.org, Sundays 9:30am
- YUCCA VALLEY, St. Joseph of Arimathea, 56312 Onaga Trail, stjosephyv.com, Sundays 10am
Long Beach/South Bay/Southeast
- DOWNEY, St. Mark’s, 10354 S. Downey Ave., stmarksdowney.org, Sundays 10am
- EL SEGUNDO, St. Michael the Archangel, 361 Richmond Ave., stmichaels-elsegundo.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- GARDENA, Holy Communion, 1160 W. 141 St., cohcgardena.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- HAWTHORNE, St. George’s, 4679 W. El Segundo, stgeorge-hawthorne.org, Sun 10:10am Eng/español bilingual
- HERMOSA BEACH, St. Cross, 1818 Monterey Blvd., stcross.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- HUNTINGTON PARK, St. Clement’s, 6909 Rugby Ave., 323.717.7317, Sundays/domingos 8, 10am, 7pm español
- LONG BEACH, St. Gregory’s, 6201 E. Willow St., stgregoryschurch.com, Sundays 10:15; Holy Sat 7pm
- LONG BEACH, St. Thomas of Canterbury, 5306 Arbor Rd., saintthomas.ladiocese.org, Sundays 8, 10:15am
- LONG BEACH, St. Luke’s, 525 E. Seventh St., stlukeslb.org, Sundays 8, 10am English; 12:30pm español
- NORWALK, St. Francis’, 12700 Paddison Ave., saintfrancisnorwalk.com, Sundays 9am
- PALOS VERDES ESTATES, St. Francis’, 2200 Via Rosa, stfrancispalosverdes.org, Easter Day & all Sundays 8, 10am
- REDONDO BEACH, Christ Church, 408 S. Broadway, christchurchrb.org, Sundays 9am; English; 1pm Japanese
- SAN PEDRO, St. Peter’s, 1648 W. Ninth St., stpeterssanpedro.org, Sundays 10am
- SEAL BEACH, St. Theodore’s at Redeemer Lutheran, redeemerlutheransealbeach.com, Sundays 10:30am
- SOUTH GATE, St. Margaret’s, 4704 Tweedy Blvd.., 323.569.9901 & Facebook page; 11am español
- TORRANCE, St. Andrew’s, 1432 Engracia; saintandrewstorrance.org, Holy Sat 7pm; Sun Christ Church Redondo
- WHITTIER, St. Matthias’, 7056 S. Washington Ave., stmatthiaswhittier.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- WILMINGTON, St. John’s/Holy Child, 1537 N. Neptune Ave., 310.835.7870, Sundays
Los Angeles – Downtown to Westside
- BEVERLY HILLS, All Saints, 504 N. Camden Dr., allsaintsbh.org, Sun 8, 10, 12noon, Holy Sat 8pm; Easter 9, 11am
- COMPTON, St. Timothy’s, 312-A S. Oleander Ave., stimcomp.com, Sundays (by teleconference) 10am
- CULVER CITY, Thad’s, 8520 Warner Dr., thads.church, Sundays 10am
- INGLEWOOD, Holy Faith, 260 N. Locust St., holyfaithinglewood.org, Sundays 8am English; 10am bilingual Eng/español
- L.A. ATWATER VILLAGE/SILVER LAKE, Holy Spirit, 3621 Brunswick, holyspirit-la.org, Th 6:30pm; Holy Sat 6:30pm
- L.A. CENTRAL, St. Philip the Evangelist, 2800 Stanford Ave., stphilips.ladiocese.org, Sundays Eng español
- L.A. CRENSHAW/LEIMERT PARK, Christ the Good Shepherd, 3903 W. Vernon Ave., 323.295.4139, Sundays 10am
- L.A. DOWNTOWN, St. John’s Cathedral, 514 W. Adams Bl., stjohnsla.org, Sun 8, 10am; Easter 10am; Holy Sat 8pm
- L.A. EAGLE ROCK, St. Barnabas, 2109 Chickasaw, saintbe.org, Community Meal & Bible Study, Thurs, 6:30pm Eng/español
- L.A. EAST HOLLYWOOD, Trinity, 650 N. Berendo Ave., Sundays 10am English; 12:15pm español
- L.A. ECHO PARK, St. Athanasius, 840 Echo Park Ave., saintala.org, Sundays 9am español; 11am English
- L.A. HIGHLAND PARK, All Saints’, 5619 Monte Vista St., allsaintsla.net, Sun 10am Eng; 12noon español; Easter 11am bilingual
- L.A. HOLLYWOOD, St. Stephen’s, 6125 Carlos Ave, ststephenshollywood.org, Sun 10am English; 12noon español
- L.A. HOLLYWOOD, St. Thomas, 7501 Hollywood Bl., saintthomashollywood.org, Sun 8, 10:30am; Holy Sat 7:30pm
- L.A. KOREATOWN, St. Mary’s, 961 S. Mariposa Ave., stmarys-la.org, Sundays 10:30am English; 12noon español
- L.A. LINCOLN HEIGHTS, Epiphany, 2808 Altura St., epiphanyla.net, Sundays 9am English; 10:30am español
- L.A. MAR VISTA/VENICE, St. Bede’s, 3590 S. Grandview Blvd., stbedesla.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- L.A. PALMS, St. Mary in Palms, 3647 Watseka Ave., stmarypalms.org, Sundays at 10am
- L.A. WEST ADAMS, Advent, 4976 W. Adams Blvd., advent.ladiocese.org, Sundays 8, 10:00am
- L.A. WESTCHESTER, Holy Nativity, 6700 W. 83rd St., holynativityparish.org, Sundays 8, 10:30am
- L.A. WESTWOOD, St. Alban’s, 580 Hilgard Ave., stalbanswestwood.com, Sundays 8, 10am
- L.A. WILSHIRE CENTER, St. James, 3903 Wilshire Bl., stjla.org; Sun 8, 10:45am English; 12:30 Korean; Holy Sat 7:30pm
- MALIBU, St. Aidan’s, 28211 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., staidanschurch.org, Sundays 10am; Easter Day 8, 10am
- PACIFIC PALISADES, St. Matthew’s, 1031 Bienveneda, stmatthews.com, Easter 7, 11am outdoors; 9am in church
- SANTA MONICA, St. Augustine by-the-Sea, 1227 Fourth St., saint-augustine.org, Sundays 8, 10:30am
Mountain Communities
- BIG BEAR LAKE, St. Columba’s/Spirit of Peace, 42324 N. Shore Dr., 909.866.7239 & Facebook page, Sun 10am
- LAKE ARROWHEAD, St. Richard of Chichester, 28708 Highway 18, Skyforest, strichardsweb.org, Sundays 9am
Orange County
- ANAHEIM, St. Michael’s, 311 W. South St., stmichaelsanaheim.org, Easter 9:30am español, 11:30am English
- BUENA PARK, St. Joseph’s, 8300 Valley View St., stjosephsbuenapark.org, Sundays 9am; Easter 8:45am
- CORONA DEL MAR, St. Michael & All Angels, 3223 Pacific View Dr., stmikescdm.org, Sundays 9am
- COSTA MESA, St. John the Divine, 183 E. Bay St., stjohncm.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- FULLERTON, Emmanuel, 1145 W. Valencia Mesa Dr., emmanuelfullerton.org, Sundays 9am, Holy Sat 7pm
- FULLERTON, St. Andrew’s, 1231 E. Chapman Ave., saintandrewsfullerton.com, Sundays 10am
- GARDEN GROVE, St. Anselm’s, 13091 Galway, saintanselmgg.org 8am español; 10am Eng; 10:15 Viet; 11:30 Kor
- HUNTINGTON BEACH, St. Wilfrid of York, 18631 Chapel Lane., stwilfridschurch.org, Sundays 8:30, 10:30am
- IRVINE, St. Andrew’s, 4400 Barranca Pkwy., standrewsirvine.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- LAGUNA BEACH, St. Mary’s, 428 Park Ave., stmaryslagunabeach.org, Sundays 8, 10:30am
- LAGUNA HILLS, St. George’s, 23802 Avenida de la Carlota, stgeorgesparish.org, Sundays 10am; Holy Sat 5pm
- LAGUNA NIGUEL, Faith, 27802 El Lazo, faithepiscopal.org, Sundays 9:30am
- NEWPORT BEACH, St. James’, 3209 Via Lido, stjamesnewport.org, Sundays 10am
- ORANGE, Trinity, 2400 N. Canal St., trinityorange.org, Saturdays 5:30pm; Sundays 8, 10am
- PLACENTIA, Blessed Sacrament, 1314 N. Angelina Dr., BlessedSacramentPlacentia.org, Palm Sunday 9am; Easter Day 9am
- RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, St. John Chrysostom, 30382 Via Con Dios, stjohnsrsm.org, Sat 5pm; Sun 8, 10am
- SAN CLEMENTE, St. Clement’s, 202 Avenida Aragon, scbythesea.org, Sundays 8, 10am Eng; 12noon español
- SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, St. Margaret of Scotland, 31641 La Novia., stmarg.org, Sundays 8, 10am; Holy Sat 5pm
- SANTA ANA, Church of the Messiah, 614 N. Bush St., messiah-santaana.org, Sun 8, 10am Eng; 12noon español
- TUSTIN, St. Paul’s, 1221 Wass St., stpauls.org, Palm Sunday & Easter Day 10:15am; Holy Saturday 7:30pm;
Pasadena & West San Gabriel Valley
- ARCADIA, Transfiguration, 1881 S. First Ave., transfig.ladiocese.org, Sundays 9am
- ALHAMBRA, Holy Trinity & St. Benedict, 412 N. Garfield Ave., 626.282.9118, Sundays 11am; Holy Sat 6pm
- ALTADENA, St. Mark’s, 1014 E. Altadena Dr., saintmarksaltadena.org, Holy Sat 7:30pm; Easter 9, 11:15am
- EL MONTE, Immanuel, 4366 Santa Anita Ave., 626.448.1908, Sundays/domingos 11am español
- HACIENDA HEIGHTS, St. Thomas, 15694 Tetley St., stthomashh.com, Sun 10am English/Mandarin bilingual
- MONROVIA, St. Luke’s, 122 S. California Ave., saintlukesmonrovia.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- MONTEREY PARK, St. Gabriel’s, 133 E Graves, saintgabrielsepisc.wixsite.com/sgec, Sun 11am Cantonese/Mand
- PASADENA, All Saints, 132 N. Euclid Ave., allsaints-pas.org, Sundays 7:30, 9, 11:30am; Holy Sat 4, 7:30pm
- PASADENA, Church of the Angels, 1100 Ave 64, coa-pasadena.org, Sundays 9am; Easter Day 5:15am Vigil, 10am
- PASADENA, St. Barnabas’, 1062 N. Fair Oaks Ave., stbarnabaspasadena.org, Sundays 9am
- PICO RIVERA, St. Bartholomew’s, 7540 S. Passons Blvd., 562.949.5228, Sundays 10am español
- SAN GABRIEL, Our Saviour, 535 W. Roses Rd., cosepiscopal.org, Easter 8, 9:30am, 4pm Eng; 11:15am Mandarin
- SAN MARINO, St. Edmund’s, 1175 San Gabriel Bl., saintedmunds.org, Easter 7:30, 10am; Holy Sat 7:30pm
- SIERRA MADRE, Ascsension, 25 E. Laurel, ascension-sierramadre.com, Sun 8, 10:15; Easter 6am, 10:15
- SOUTH PASADENA, St. James’, 1325 Monterey Rd., sjcsp.org, Sundays 8, 10:15am; Holy Sat 8pm
- WHITTIER, St. Matthias’, 7056 S. Washington Ave., stmatthiaswhittier.org, Sundays 8, 10am
Pomona Valley & East San Gabriel Valley
- CLAREMONT, St. Ambrose, 830 W. Bonita Ave., stambroseclaremont.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- COVINA, Holy Trinity, 100 N. Third Ave., holytrinitycovina.com, Sun 8, 10:15am English; 12:15pm español
- GLENDORA, Grace, 555 E. Mountain View Ave., graceglendora.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- LA VERNE, St. John’s, 4745 Wheeler Ave., stjohnslaverne.org, Sundays 9:15am
- ONTARIO, Christ Church, 1127 N. San Antonio Ave., christchurchontario.net, Sundays; Holy Sat 8pm
- POMONA, St. Paul’s, 242 E. Alvarado St., saintpaulspomona.org, Sundays 8, 10am English; 1pm español
San Fernando, Santa Clarita & Antelope Valleys
- ENCINO, St. Nicholas, 17114 Ventura Bl., saintnicholasencino.org, Palm Sun 9:30am; Easter; 10am bilingual
- GRANADA HILLS, St. Andrew & St. Charles, 16651 Rinaldi St., 2saints.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- LANCASTER, St. Paul’s, 502 W. Avenue K, stpaulslancaster.net, Sundays 8:30, 10:30am
- SAN FERNANDO, St. Simon’s, 623 N. Hagar, 818.361.3317 & Facebook page, Sun 8am Eng; 10am español
- SANTA CLARITA, St. Stephen’s, 24901 Orchard Village Rd., st-stephens.org, Sundays 7:45, 10; Easter 9, 11am
- STUDIO CITY, St. Michael & All Angels, 3646 Coldwater Canyon Ave., stmikessc.org, Sundays 8, 10:30am
- VAN NUYS, St. Mark’s, 14646 Sherman Way, saintmarksvannuys.com, Sundays 9am English; 10:30am español
- WINNETKA, St. Martin in-the-Fields, 7136 Winnetka Ave., stmartinswinnetka.org, Sundays 8, 10am
- WOODLAND HILLS, Prince of Peace, 5700 Rudnick Ave., popwh.org, Sundays 8, 10am