LGBTQ Archives
The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles has been in the forefront of the struggle for LGBTQ+ inclusion in our church and equality in our nation for decades. We are working to archive that history as part of telling the story of the arc of inclusion in both the Diocese of Los Angeles and the Episcopal Church. If you have stories, photos, documents or other resources to share, please contact Canon Susan Russell at srussell@ladiocese.org.
How We Got From There to Here:
A video overview of the Episcopal Church’s engagement with LGBTQ inclusion 1974-2021
A History of LGBT Ministry in the Diocese of Los Angeles (1992-2000):
A Memoir by The Rev. William McCord “Mac” Thigpen III
Diocese of Los Angeles PRIDE Memory Lane Photo Album
An in-progress album from our archives of the witness of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles at SoCal Pride Events since 1992.
A Celebration of God’s Love & Pride: 2020
Video of virtual Pride service during the 2020 COVID-19 shutdown
Written by Kay Sylvester and recorded by Jim White: 2021