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Ministry Fair 2020

Clergy and lay members of the diocesan community are invited to register today for the Diocesan Ministry Fair, to take place on Saturday, March 7 at Campbell Hall School in Studio City. Congregations are encouraged to send teams of leaders to take advantage of this opportunity to acquire new skills for ministry and personal growth.

There is no charge to attend the fair and its workshops, but registration is required for planning and security reasons. Attendees will need to print out their confirmation letters to show at the school’s main gate (the second gate from the 101 Freeway) for entry to the parking garage. They do not need to commit to specific workshops in advance.

For information and to register, click here. Deadline is Friday, March 6. Same-day registration will not be available.

Some 35 workshops will be presented at the fair, covering a wide range of church-related topics, from spirituality and Christian formation to social media, church finance, community organizing and more. Several will be conducted in Spanish, or translated simultaneously (see list below).

The Ministry Fair will begin with coffee and registration at 8 a.m., followed by opening prayer at 8:30 a.m., workshop sessions at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., and Eucharist at 12 p.m. Two additional workshop sessions will be offered at 1:30 and 2:45 in the afternoon.

Exhibitors from diocesan ministries also will take part in the fair. The Cathedral Bookstore, though its main location is now closed, will have a sale of remainder items in Room AEC 7102.

Complimentary coffee will be available during registration in the morning, but attendees will need to bring a sack or picnic lunch. Picnic tables are available on campus.

For additional information, or to arrange for special physical accommodation, contact Samantha Wylie at samanthawylie@ladiocese.org.

Workshops topics are as follows. A complete schedule with workshop descriptions is here.

You Don’t Have “Friends,” You Have Subscribers: Putting Social Media to Work to Serve the Church
Presenter: The Rt. Rev. John H. Taylor

Open Doors. Open Campus. Public Church.
Presenter: The Rev. Randall Day

Christian Education for All Ages: Journey through the Liturgical Calendar
Presenter: Susan Caldwell, M.A., Ed.

The Importance of Lay Eucharistic Ministry in a Local Congregation in the Episcopal Church: The Role of LEM in the Church and Home
Presenter: The Rev. Israel Anchan

Compassion in Practice: Practical Support for Those Helping Others
Presenters: The Rev. Karri Backer, Cori Esperanza

Social Enterprise for Sustainable Churches
Presenters: The Rev. Canon Jaime Edwards-Acton, Betsy Densmore

Lessons From the Field: Experiences with Bilingual (English/Spanish) and Bicultural (Anglo/Latino-Hispanic) Worship
Lecciones de campo: experiencias con servicios bilingües (Inglés/Español) y bi-culturales (Anglo/Latino-Hispanos)
Presenters: The Rev. Dr. Antonio Gallardo, the Rev. Patrick Crerar, the Rev. Robin Kassabian, the Rev. Carlos Ruvalcaba

Preparing for Prayer Book Revision: Examining the Church’s Process and Priorities
Presenter: The Very Rev. Sylvia Sweeney

Sharing Your Good News Online: Leveraging the Power of Blogs and Social Media
Presenters: Drew Darby, Rose Hayden-Smith, Ph.D.

Respuesta y Resiliencia de Desastres (presentado en español)
Presenters: The Very Rev. Canon Michael Bamberger, Angel Venegas

Nuts and Bolts: What you Need to Know about Church Finances
Lo que necesitan saber sobre las finanzas de la iglesia
Presenters: The Rev. Michele Racusin (traducción al español disponible)

Invitation and Hospitality: Ways to Help Your Congregation Grow
Presenter: The Rev. Bryan Jones

Group Spiritual Direction
Presenter: The Rev. Elizabeth Rechter

Engaging Congregations in Gun Violence Prevention
Presenter: Virginia Classic

LA Voice: a multi-racial, multi-faith community organization
Presenters: The Rev. Zachary Hoover, the Rev. Canon Jaime Edwards-Acton

Liderazgo Adaptativo
Presenters: The Rev. Dr. Antonio Gallardo, Sandra Martinez-Moore (presentado en español)

Accompanying Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Migrants
Presenter: Meghan Taylor

The Red Shirt Project: Making Relations with the Oglala/Lakota of the Pine Ridge Reservation
Presenters: The Rev. Michael Cunningham, Sarah Cunningham, the Rev. Judy Lin

Disaster Response and Resilience
Presenters: The Very Rev. Canon Michael Bamberger, Angel Venegas

Respuesta y Resiliencia de Desastres
Presenters: The Very Rev. Canon Michael Bamberger, Angel Venegas

Transforming the Annual Pledge Campaign to Year-Round Generosity
Presenter: Richard Felton

SoulCollage as a Spiritual Practice
Presenter: Chantel Zimmerman

Deacons: The Best Kept Secret in the Episcopal Church
Presenters: The Rev. Dr. Joanne Leslie, the Rev. Patti Sells

Discerning Call in Community: Exploring Vocations in Lay and Ordained Ministry
Canon Jim White, the Rev. Stefanie Wilson-Brown and the Rev. Laura Siriani

Words & Worship: The Ongoing Work of Liturgical & Prayer Book Revision
Presenters: The Rev. Canon Susan Russell, the Rev. Norma Guerra, the Rev. Kay Sylvester
Room 5109 (presentado en inglés y español)

Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Conversation on Racism & Microaggressions
Presenters: The Rev. Yein Kim, the Rev. Dr. Antonio Gallardo, the Rev. Peter Huang (presentado en inglés y español)

Recent Immigration Policy Updates and Census 2020 Information Session
Presenter: Amila Orucevic

Comunidades Latinx/Hispanas con miembros LGTBQ
Presenters: Carlos Carrillo, Sandra Martinez (presentado en español)

Telling Your Church’s Story: Photography for Congregations
Presenters: Diocesan Communications Office staff

Love Thy Homeless Neighbor: Safe Parking L.A. and the Trojan Shelter
Presenters: Charlene Nakamura, Glenn Nishibayashi

Church in Transition: Gift and Challenge
Presenter: The Rev. Canon Joanna Satorius, the Rev. Thomas Quijada-Discavage

15 (or more!) Ways to Support the Christian Presence in the Holy Land
Presenters: Randall Heyn-Lamb, Doni Heyn-Lamb (información en español disponible)

My Work To Do: Building Stamina for Discussing Internalized Dominance and Systems of Whiteness
(Becoming Beloved Community Grant Recipient)
Presenter: Canon Suzanne Edwards-Acton

Building Bridges Now: Practicing Respectful Dialogue
Presenter: The Rev. Jake Pomeroy

Reimagining Congregational LGBTQ Ministry
Presenters: Thomas Diaz, the Rev. Canon Susan Russell

Espiritualidad Latina a través del Arte
Presenter: Oscar Alcantar (presentado en español)


This article was most recently updated on Feb. 25.