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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, “Feast in the Field,” The Abundant Table’s annual August fundraising dinner, has been transformed into an appeal for Solidarity Shares for area farmworkers. Each donation of $90 — the price of last year’s dinner ticket — buys six discounted weekly CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) boxes of fresh, organic, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables for farmworkers who cannot otherwise afford the produce they pick and pack.

Originally founded by the Episcopal/Lutheran campus ministry at California State University Channel Islands in 2006, The Abundant Table “seeks to transform our food system towards justice, liberation, and increased health for all people, while caring for the land and all who tend the land,” according to its website.

According to The Abundant Table, “Farmworkers and their families will also be invited to participate in farm visits and educational programs to learn more about organic farming and healing relationships with the land. In this environment, children of farmworkers alienated by the damaging industrial exploitation of agriculture can begin to heal and restore relationships with the land, and a new community of care that values people and the land will grow and help to renew the bonds that make us all whole.”

To contribute to the Solidarity Shares, click here. Donations may also be made by check: send to The Abundant Table, P.O. Box 6295, Ventura, CA 93006.