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The Dodgers lost to the Atlanta Braves 6-3, but it didn’t affect their standings (they’re still firmly in first place in the National League West), and about 1,100 church members had a great time at Episcopal – and Lutheran – Night at Dodger Stadium on Sept. 1.

The Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America joined the Diocese of Los Angeles for the game. Lutheran Bishop Brenda Bos and Episcopal Bishop John Harvey Taylor roamed the stands to greet their respective members.

The Episcopalians and Lutherans shared their game night with the Los Angeles Lakers, who with the Dodgers threw a celebration of Kobe Bryant. The late Laker superstar’s widow and surviving children took part in the opening ceremonies; Natalia Bryant threw out the first pitch and younger sister Bianka spoke Vin Scully’s traditional opening line: “It’s time for Dodger baseball!” The tribute continued after the game with fireworks commemorating Bryant’s career.

Photos: John Taylor, Michael Sadhev (All Saints, Beverly Hills), Susan Russell and Janet Kawamoto. Natalie Bryant photo: L.A. Dodgers