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Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe is flanked by his two immediate predecessors, Katharine Jefferts Schori and Michael Curry. Photo: Diane Jardine Bruce

From The Episcopal News

Reporting from the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church
Louisville, Kentucky, June 21 – 28, 2024

(Click on the report date to view)



June 21

Episcopalians gather in Louisville | from the Bishop’s Blog: “Juneteenth and the work yet to be done” | presiding bishop candidates’ forum to be moderated by Thomas Diaz, deputy from Los Angeles


June 22
Presiding bishop candidates’ forum | House of Deputies president candidates’ forum




June 23
Revival meeting with Presiding Bishop Curry |  Bishops and deputies begin legislative work on first official day of General Convention | Bishops pass 3 resolutions on peace in Gaza, Palestinian state, reject 4 other Middle East resolutions


June 24 
Diocese of Los Angeles storms General Convention – photos of LA. bishop deputies, volunteers, exhibitors, and staff in Louisville | Demonstrators call out bishops for inaction on Holy Land resolutions; bishops later change course on one | Deputies reject proposal calling for Episcopal Church to sharply reduce diocesan assessment by 2033 | L.A. voices are heard in budget debate |  Deputies’ vice president accuses president of leadership failures; president calls it ‘misrepresentation’ | LGBTQ+ bishops, deputies and others celebrate progress toward inclusion with photo op

June 25 
House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris reelected on first ballot | Deputies celebrate advance of Navajoland resolution creating missionary diocese | Bishops pass ceasefire resolution, debate use of ‘genocide’ | Steve Nishibayashi, Thomas Diaz join fellow nominating committee members to introduce candidates for presiding bishop | Deputies, bishops from companion dioceses of Taiwan, Los Angeles meet

June 26
Sean Rowe elected 28th presiding bishop, will begin nine-year term Nov. 1 | Los Angeles bishop, deputies applaud election of Sean Rowe as next presiding bishop | From Bishop John Harvey Taylor’s blog – “Going off the grid for election of a new presiding bishop”


June 27 
Kentucky priest elected vice president of House of Deputies | Bishops, youth working to end gun violence unite in Louisville rally | House of Deputies repudiates pro-slavery views of 19th century house president in somber vote | Bishops defeat prison reform measure


June 28 
81st General Convention wraps up in Louisville | Presiding bishop-elect calls the church to ‘think differently’ about how it should work for the sake of sharing the Gospel | Bishops, deputies unanimously vote to adopt prayer to remember Indigenous children forced to attend boarding schools | Pride of the diocese(s) – Award for the best stanchion decor.

Read more about General Convention

Episcopal News Service
Comprehensive General Convention coverage from ENS is collected here.

The Living Church
More about General Convention from this independent journal is here.