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The Diocese of Los Angeles’ first-ever virtual convention was held on Nov. 14 and 15, 2020. It was centered at St. Paul’s Commons, where Bishop John Harvey Taylor, Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy and a small crew of diocesan staff and officers — socially distanced and masked when in proximity — led the meeting and dealt with technical matters.

Click on the photo thumbnails below for full view. Some photos are screenshots from the virtual convention livestream. Others are by Janet Kawamoto (JK) and John Harvey Taylor (JHT).

Business session

Saturday, November 14

Convention Eucharist

Sunday, November 15

Bishop John Harvey Taylor, with support from Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy and Samantha Wylie, convention coordinator, celebrated the convention Eucharist from the Great Hall at St. Paul’s Commons. Most of the following photos are screenshots from the livestream (available for viewing on demand on the diocese’s Facebook page and YouTube channel). The rest were taken by Bishop John Harvey Taylor [JHT].