The Diocese of Los Angeles’ first-ever virtual convention was held on Nov. 14 and 15, 2020. It was centered at St. Paul’s Commons, where Bishop John Harvey Taylor, Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy and a small crew of diocesan staff and officers — socially distanced and masked when in proximity — led the meeting and dealt with technical matters.
Click on the photo thumbnails below for full view. Some photos are screenshots from the virtual convention livestream. Others are by Janet Kawamoto (JK) and John Harvey Taylor (JHT).
Business session
Saturday, November 14
Canon Steve Nishibayashi, secretary of convention, celebrates the Dodger’s 2020 World Series win in the chilly early morning before Diocesan Convention begins on Nov. 14. [JHT]
Tom Discavage-Quijada of the diocesan staff assists delegates with checking in for the diocese’s first-ever online convention. [JK]
Convention Coordinator Samantha Wylie responds to technical questions in the hour before the convention opens. [JK]
Canon Julie Dean Larsen, vice chancellor, pauses for a moment as she prepares to monitor convention proceedings and answer any legal questions. Her colleague Canon Richard Zevnik, chancellor, at right, makes similar preparations. [JK]
Young people were readers during the three prayer services (Morning, Noonday and Evening prayer) on Nov. 14 and at the convention Eucharist on Nov. 15. Clockwise from top left: Ava Slocum, Audrey Sei, Aly Kim and Julia Warren.
Simone Origel reflects on the gospel lesson (The Parable of the Talents) during the convention’s opening prayers.
Juli Johnson Kennedy of Church of Our Saviour, San Gabriel, sings “Amazing Grace” for worship services during the convention business meeting.
Bishop John Harvey Taylor begins the celebration of the convention Eucharist.
Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy oversees all aspects of Diocesan Convention both online and at St. Paul’s Commons. [JK]
Secretary of Convention Canon Steve Nishibayashi follows convention proceedings online. [JK]
Bishop John Harvey Taylor chairs the virtual convention from a desk at St. Paul’s Commons. [JK]
Judge of Elections Canon Patti Jo McKay and Convention Coordinator Samantha Wylie compare notes before voting begins. [JHT]
Bishop John Harvey Taylor responds online to a question from a delegate. [JK]
Canon Kelli-Grace Kurtz delivers the report of the Committee on Constitution & Canons to the convention from her office in Riverside.
Delegates to convention voted by using a secure website and unique log-in information.
Judge of Elections Patti Jo McKay delivers results of voting to online delegates. [JK]
Julia Warren, senior warden at St. Mark’s Church, Upland, delivers a reflection at a convention prayer service on Nov. 14.
Bishop Suffragan Diane M. Jardine Bruce delivers her address to convention from her home office.
Bishop John Harvey Taylor, Canon Andy Tomat, treasurer, and Michael Bell, chair of the Committee on Dispatch of Business, lead and monitor the discussion of the 2021 diocesan budget.
Youth Missioner Gabriel Vasquez-Reyes assists with technical matters at St. Paul’s Commons during the convention. [JK]
Canon Jim White of Holy Spirit Fellowship in Atwater Village in Los Angeles offers an evening prayer meditation via video.
Convention Eucharist
Sunday, November 15
Bishop John Harvey Taylor, with support from Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy and Samantha Wylie, convention coordinator, celebrated the convention Eucharist from the Great Hall at St. Paul’s Commons. Most of the following photos are screenshots from the livestream (available for viewing on demand on the diocese’s Facebook page and YouTube channel). The rest were taken by Bishop John Harvey Taylor [JHT].
The virtual Eucharist setup in the Great Hall is a blend of traditional and high-tech elements. [JHT]
Luis Garibay, building superintendent for St. Paul’s Commons, delivers a mixture of altar furnishings, Eucharist supplies and technical equipment to the Great Hall. [JHT]
Debbie Middlebrooks of St. Paul’s Church, Tustin, plays “It is well with my soul,” arranged by Heather Sorenson, as a prelude to the Nov. 15 convention eucharist.
Bishop John Harvey Taylor begins the celebration of the convention Eucharist.
The Dan Cole Ensemble, regular performers at All Saints Church, Pasadena, sing and play a setting of the Gloria.
Deacon Guy Leemhuis of Holy Faith Church, Inglewood, and St. George’s Church, Riverside, delivers the Gospel reading.
Canon Stephanie Spellers delivers her sermon from her home in New York.
Canon Stephanie Spellers delivers her sermon from her home in New York.
Canon Stephanie Spellers offers a blessing to conclude her sermon.
A virtual choir of singers from around the diocese performs the hymn “Christ has called us to new visions” for the offertory.