My scrapbook from a wonderful breakfast Camp Stevens hosted Thursday for Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles friends at Canon Kathy Hannigan O’Connor’s and my Pasadena home, aka your episcopal residence.

Executive director Kathy Wilder and a couple of her colleagues bunked on site the night before, putting the finishing touches on the program (which they reprised Friday morning for friends in The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego). Board member Erick Long came at the crack of down to help set up.

Over our tasty breakfast, featuring camp-baked blueberry muffins that could contribute to world peace, we told our camp stories and lauded Kathy, her staff, and the board for keeping hope and camp alive during the pandemic, when revenue plummeted for a year.

Thanks to a revitalized summer program (made more equitable thanks to camperships that deserve your support), congregations coming back to family camp, our growing third-party business (camp is great for conferences and retreats), and new a strategic planning process, the Julian blue sky is the limit. Read more here.