I roared into Holy Trinity Saint Benedict Episcopal Church in Alhambra Sunday afternoon just as this energetic parish’s birthday party for its innovative, devoted rector, the Rev. Brent Quines Jr., was wrapping up.
Thanks to his spouse Jasmine’s kindness, even though everything had been put away, he and I had some coffee and cake together. The Episcopal Church Women have just finished restoring the kitchen, and so they gave me the cooks’ tour. Two dozen members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s had just finished their regular meeting and were relaxing on the patio, having formalized purchase of a new lawn mower for the parish. St. Andrew’s members’ volunteer labor also helped the parish get about $100,000 worth of new kitchen, in my estimation, for $35,000. Finally senior warden Cherrylin Longid (aka Chet PL) and Fr. Brent showed me the historic chapel, once the main church, rebuilt and restored over the last two years after a fire.
All in all, it was just another Sunday at HTSB — fellowship and celebration and service, glorifying God, caring for God’s people, and building up the church for the saints who will inherit it.