You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Most Rev. Sean Rowe, invested today as presiding bishop, who was in town Tuesday for a bishops’ listening session near LAX; he’s shown with the Rt. Revs. Susan Brown Snook of San Diego and J. Scott Mayer of North Texas…

Campbell Hall chaplains the Revs. Norman Hull (at far left, singing with student chaplains) and Joey Courtney, who invited me to preach at middle and high school chapel services…

Violet and the Rev. John Limo, rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, who welcomed me to their Apple Valley home for a wide-ranging conversation, including their bracing insights on Kenyan politics; John is battling some health challenges but making good progress by God’s grace…

St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park colleagues Steven Trapasso, executive director of Seeds of Hope, and Diocesan Council secretary Samantha Wylie, honored at our annual staff appreciation lunch for their brilliant ten and five years so far…

and diocesan Altar Guild director Marjorie Cooley (at center) and her colleagues, having readied their supplies and equipment to be conveyed to Riverside for diocesan convention next week.