You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, including Bishop Brenda Bos of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and the Rev. Canon Susan Russell, during an impromptu chat at St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park… neighbors and friends in faith as Laundry Love gets underway again near the Commons, in a laundromat off Glendale Blvd., organized monthly by ecumenical and interfaith partners in our neighborhood, with Dolores D’Angelo of St. Athanasius Episcopal Church taking a lead role… new colleagues getting acquainted, our expert in ministry to relatively younger Christians Missy Morain and Bloy House dean the Very. Rev. Paul Anthony Daniels…the amazing the Rev. Thomas Carey, veteran priest and justice worker, who has been helping a church he loves in Queens and was back in town to advance a return to Los Angeles, we hope, before too long (my goodness, but did we talk some politics!)… and Canon Bob Williams and the Rev. Canon Roberto Martinez as we met up at Roberto’s church in Glendale, La Magdalena Episcopal Church, for a videotaping.