You meet the most amazing people around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles including my classmate the Rt. Rev. DeDe Duncan-Probe, bishop of Central New York (at right), who met with senior staff colleagues and me at St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park for a conversation about the road ahead for our church and our nation…
Troy Elder, executive director of IRIS Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service, Los Angeles, meeting with the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy and me about our shared mission of caring for refugees and asylum seekers notwithstanding the policies of the current administration…
for one of our periodic breakfasts at Mimi’s near Disneyland, the Rev. Juan Jimenez, who welcomes nearly 200 for worship each Sunday at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Anaheim…
the Very Rev. Paul Daniels, dean of Bloy House, The Episcopal Theological School at Los Angeles, telling board members about ambitious plans to spread the word about The Episcopal Church…
members of the diocesan Altar Guild, at work on a new diocesan banner…
and the Rev. Dr. Thomas Ni and Rev. Charity Xia; a fourth-generation Christian born in Hunan Province in the People’s Republic of China, ordained in its government-sanctioned church, Charity and her family attend The Church of Our Saviour in San Gabriel, where Fr. Thomas is associate rector.