Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles treasurer Canon Andy Tomat and All Saints’, Beverly Hills, treasurer Susan Moomaw Humphreville, Tuesday night (July 25) at an All Saints vestry meeting.

Gracious God, your son’s apostle Paul warned that those who proclaimed the true name of Jesus Christ and his gospel of righteousness, reconciliation, and love would endure harassment and persecution. Departing from prevailing expressions of U.S. Christianity, The Episcopal Church honors Christ’s true presence in the sacraments and your image in the faces of all your people, without regard to race or nation, orientation or identification. When harassment and persecution beget episodes of financial scarcity, God of all, we beseech you sent armies of accounting angels to comfort and inspire all who serve as volunteer treasurers in our dioceses, missions, and parishes — because when the treasurer is smiling, everyone feels just a little more of your love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.