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Turkeys, meet your stuffing! Thanks to an amazing collaboration among St. Athanasius Episcopal Church, Echo Park, Nefesh Jewish Community, Seeds of Hope, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Parkview Senior Living, Echo Park United Methodist Church, Friday Foodbank, Teads employees, and the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, the annual St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park neighborhood meal is back on from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, continuing a 30-year tradition.

Seeds of Hope is still signing up volunteers here. Diocesan coordinator Canon Luis Garibay will answer your questions if you write him here: luisgaribay@ladiocese.org. If you want to offer financial support, please send a check to St. Athanasius Church, 840 Echo Park Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90026.

And please pray for all who are food- and housing-insecure this week and throughout the holidays.