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Bishop John Harvey Taylor on April 24 announced dates for two major events in Autumn 2019: the second annual Bishop’s Concert on Friday, Oct. 11, and the third annual Bishop’s Dinner on Saturday, Nov. 2.

The Bishop’s Concert, Oct. 11

The concert, to be held at the episcopal residence in Pasadena, will feature Grammy Award-winning singer, actor and author Debby Boone, known for the 1977 hit “You Light Up My Life,” her 1980 country song “Are You On the Road to Lovin’ Me Again,” and albums of country music, contemporary Christian songs, and songs for children. In 2005 she released Reflections Of Rosemary, an album featuring music that her mother-in-law, Rosemary Clooney, performed as well as other songs that Boone felt reflected the woman her family knew.

Boone has also appeared in many musical theater productions, television series and movies, and has written several children’s books illustrated by her husband, the Rev. Gabriel Ferrer, vicar of St. Martin’s Church, Winnetka.

Tickets will be $75 ($60 for early reservations), and will include a pre-concert reception starting at 6 p.m., followed by the performance at 7:30 p.m. To reserve tickets, click here.

The Bishop’s Dinner, Nov. 2

As in previous years, the Bishop’s Dinner will be held in the nave of St. John’s Cathedral, Los Angeles. Keynote speaker will be the Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, Ph.D., dean of Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary, and canon theologian at Washington National Cathedral. One of the first 10 African-American women to be ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church, she is author, most recently, of Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God (2015).

The event also will honor Joe Costa, president and chief executive officer of Hillsides, a service agency and diocesan institution that works with at-risk children and families.

Tickets for the dinner will be $150. A reservation link will be available in upcoming issues of the Episcopal News Update.