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Ronald Byrd

In 2014, under the leadership of its lead consultant, the Rev. Ronald Byrd, the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) conceived and launched its Basics of Collaborative Leadership and Ministry curriculum to help congregations, dioceses, and other agencies of the Episcopal Church build the strong lay-clergy leadership teams that are at the heart of every Episcopal congregation.

This training will come to the Diocese of Los Angeles in a two-day workshop on Friday – Saturday, April 26 – 27, sponsored by the Episcopal Church’s Office of Black Minsitries and led by Byrd, who is missioner for Black Ministries on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s staff.

All are invited to take part in the program, which will emphasize three defining aspects of good teamwork:

  • Relationships: How to build relationships through spiritual practices, communications styles, retreats/fellowship, in family-sized vs program sized congregations;
  • Process: How to run a good meeting, building the agenda, consensus decision making, and facilitating conversation in meetings;
  • Results: How to effectively create goals, accountability, and ideas for feedback.

An overview of the Collaborative Leadership and Ministry program, a draft agenda for the workshop, and more about Ronald Byrd are here. Accommodations will be available at the Cathedral Center Retreat Center. More details will be posted in the Episcopal News Update and Resource Roundup as they become available.