Musicians lead delegates and clergy in a bluesy version of “Wade in the Water” at the beginning of the “Black Lives Matter”-themed Morning Prayer on the second day of Diocesan Convention, meeting Nov. 30 – Dec. 1 at the Ontario Convention Center. Photo: Janet Kawamoto
A series of videos of key portions of the 2018 meeting of Diocesan Convention, produced by Chris Tumilty of the Communications Office, have been posted to the diocese’s Facebook page. Videos may be viewed at the following links:
Resource Roundup Workshops:
- Church Finance 101: the Rev. Michele Racusin, chief financial officer, Diocese of Los Angeles, presenter
- Keeping the Faith from the Cradle to the Grave: the Rev. Sylvia Sweeney, dean of Bloy House, presenter
- Episcopal Enterprise: the Rev. Canon Jaime Edwards-Acton, rector of St. Stephen’s Church, Hollywood, presenter
- Raising Funds From Small Events; the Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, chief development office of the Diocese of Los Angeles, presenter
- Fresh Start for Clergy and Lay; staff of the Formation and Transition Ministry of the diocese — the Rev. Canon Joanna Satorius, the Ven. Charleen Crean, and the Rev. Tom Discavage — presenters
- Disaster Relief; the Rev. Canon Michael Bamberger, disaster coordinator for EDLA, and Tamara Plummer of Episcopal Relief & Development
Convention Business:
- The Bishop’s Address (Nov. 30) (beginning at about the three-minute mark).
- General Convention Deputation Report (Nov. 30)
- The Bishop Suffragan’s Address (Dec. 1)
- Housing Panel Discussion (Dec. 1)
Convention Worship and Music
- Music at the Convention Dinner (Nov. 30) by Rev. Norm Freeman and Katherine Cash
- “Black Lives Matter”-themed Morning Prayer (Dec. 1)
- Convention Closing Eucharist (Dec. 1)
Additional videos will be posted as they become available.