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For in the one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body. — 1 Cor. 12:13a

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. The global health crisis has affected the life of each member of our diocesan family – each of us, and all our neighbors. You are all in my prayers daily as you continue to devote yourself to the work of the gospel. Each day, I know, you are caring for yourselves and those you love, serving your neighbor and those most at risk, and continuing to support your church family by praying, worshiping, reaching out to those who are most isolated, and remembering to send in your generous pledge. Read more here.

Some among us are affected more severely than others. In the body of Christ, when one suffers, we all do. In the family of God as in all our families, when one family member is struggling, everyone pitches in to help.

That’s what it really means when we say, as we often do these days, “We’re all in this together.”

All gifts to the One Body & One Spirit Emergency Appeal will be used to assist congregations, schools, affiliated institutions, and their employees most deeply affected by the pandemic and related economic crisis. Details are below about making gifts on-line and by mail. You will receive an acknowledgement by email or U.S. Mail containing information about tax deductibility.

As funds accumulate, we will begin accepting applications from clergy in charge of congregations, heads of school, and directors of diocesan social service institutions on behalf of their respective organizations and staff colleagues. To donate, click here.

Bishop Bruce, Canon McCarthy, and I are each making $1000 gifts.

Please join us. We are all branches of the same vine. We are one in the Spirit and in the body of Christ. We are all in this together, in the shadow of crisis while always moving toward the unquenchable light, glorifying God and caring for God’s people each day.