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HFS Adoption & Foster Care, an institution of the Diocese of Los Angeles, will hold its annual gathering and silent auction, themed “Circle of Hope 2019,’ on Sunday, June 2, 4 – 8 p.m. at the Pasadena University Club, 175 N. Oakland Avenue, Pasadena 91101.

Honorees at the event will be Jane McCracken, retiring HFS staff member; Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, Altadena; and the Lee Graff Foundation. An auction committee is now being formed; to help craft this event contact event chair Marianne Wright, 626.398.0057 or mkw@sound-advice.com.

HFS Adoption & Foster Care (formerly known as Holy Family Services) “strongly embraces the values of diversity and inclusion as we strive to provide caring, non-judgmental support for birth parents considering adoption, to unite children and infants in need of a home with hopeful adoptive parents, and to create strong, loving families of all shapes and sizes.” For more information about HFS, visit its website here.