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A previous Interdependence Day Walking Meditation begins its trek around Echo Park Lake. Photo / Janet Kawamoto

All are welcome to join in the fifth annual Interdependence Day Walking Meditation around Echo Park Lake starting at 10 a.m. on July 4, hosted by the Interfaith Cooperative of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

Again this year, the .9-mile walk will feature seven stations at which participants will stop and hear brief reflections and prayers from various faith traditions, including Bahai, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh.

The goal is to demonstrate interfaith interdependence and solidarity on the U.S. Independence Day national holiday.

The walking meditation is being planned by the diocese’s interfaith ministers-in-residence: Sable Manson, Tasneem Noor, and Tahil Sharma.

Gathering will be at 10 a.m. on the plaza of the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, across the street from the park. Ample free parking is available on two levels at the Cathedral Center.

Participants are encouraged to wear hats and comfortable walking shoes, and apply sunscreen for the observance, which is set to last about 75 minutes.

More information is available by email to media@ladiocese.org.