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August 14, 2018

By EN staff

Calling clergy and lay delegates to Diocesan Convention’s 122nd annual meeting Nov. 30 – Dec. 1 at Ontario Convention Center, the Secretary of Convention, Canon Dr. Steve Nishibayashi, has announced dates for filing audit reports and proposed legislation.

Approaching deadlines include:

  • Sept. 1: Proposing changes to the diocesan constitution and canons;
  • Sept. 1: Submitting clergy certification forms;
  • Sept. 21: Proposing resolutions;
  • Oct. 15: Nominations to diocesan offices;
  • Oct. 20: Filing opposing explanations to resolutions;
  • Nov. 4: Reports of work and youth participant registration.

A list of offices open for election, together with other convention details, will soon be available on the diocesan website, www.ladiocese.org/convention. Inquiries may be directed to Nishibayashi by email at snishibayashi@ladiocese.org or by phoning his office at the Cathedral Center, 213.482.2040, ext. 276.

Bishop John Harvey Taylor will convene the annual meeting under the theme “Come Home, EDLA.” He has underscored three dimensions of home:

“1. Reconciliation and unity in our diocesan family amid a renewed sense of common purpose under Christ and our commitment to financial transparency;

“2. Our shared work of envisioning our places of worship and ministry as sacramental communities of connection and refreshment — base camps for accomplishing God’s work of justice and #BelovedCommunity-building;

“3. Recognizing that, like our Lord, our homeless and housing-insecure siblings, as well as our scapegoated immigrant worker siblings and their families, often have nowhere to lay their heads, which also calls us to ministries of welcome, hospitality, sustainability, and justice.”