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In response to the growing need for families seeking asylum, Sacred Resistance and Immigrant Support Services — a new project of IRIS, the diocese’s immigration legal service agency — are working with ecumenical partners to develop a common intake process to assist individuals/families seeking sponsorship and accompaniment during their arduous and lengthy asylum claim process.

This growing ecumenical and interfaith partnership is calling upon individuals, congregations and institutions of the Diocese of Los Angeles, in the spirit of its status as a Sanctuary Diocese, to identify housing resources that they can make available on a short- or long-term basis to asylum-seeking families.

The need and range varies from individuals to families needing housing for a couple of days to a month or more. This housing can be church-based or private. (Seeking asylum is a legal right — read more here.) Contact: Meghan Taylor, executive director of IRIS, at mtaylor@ladiocese.org.