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The Women of Color Scholarship Fund

The Scholarship Fund

Women now make up nearly half the clergy of the Diocese of Los Angeles. They serve in a wide variety of roles ranging from bishop to rectors, vicars, deacons, chaplains, administrators and more.

But women of color are still underrepresented, comprising only a small percentage of clergy in the diocese.

The population of the area encompassed by the Diocese of Los Angeles is rapidly becoming more and more diverse, with major increases in the number of residents with African, Asian, Latinx, Middle Eastern and Indian roots — many of them new to this nation. The diocese needs to raise up clergy who have language and cultural skills to serve these people of God, and women clergy of color are a vital part of that effort.

Each year, the fund will offer financial assistance to help one or more women from these under-represented groups pursue ordination, including scholarships to one of the Episcopal Church’s residential or nonresidential seminaries, including Bloy House (The Episcopal Theological School at Claremont) and Iona Collaborative.

The committee welcomes ideas and suggestions to help make this fund a resource to help train clergy for the challenging years ahead. Additional fundraisers are planned, and direct donations are welcome.

For more information, contact the Rev. Yein Kim at ykim@ladiocese.org.

To donate online, click here, and select “Women of Color Scholarship Fund” in the drop-down menu.

The Women of Color Scholarship Committee

Dr. Janet Franklin
Senior Warden, Church of the Holy Faith, Inglewood

The Rev. Norma Guerra
Assistant, Church of the Messiah, Santa Ana
Assistant, St. Clement’s Church, San Clemente

Canon Janet Kawamoto
Editor, The Episcopal News, Diocese of Los Angeles

The Rev. Yein Esther Kim
Parish Associate, St. Athanasius’ Church, Los Angeles

Ms. Esmeralda Masias
Assistant to the Bishops and the Canon to the Ordinary

The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy
Canon to the Ordinary

The Rev. Jennifer Pavia
Priest-in-charge, Holy Faith Church, Inglewood

Ms. Flor Quintanilla
Member, All Saints Church, Pasadena

Mr. Chris Tumilty
Communication Specialist, Diocese of Los Angeles

Canon Robert Williams

Canon for Common Life, Diocese of Los Angeles