The Bishop Coadjutor Search Committee has scheduled listening sessions around the diocese March 22 – April 26 to hear the thoughts, needs, and desires of parishioners, clergy, and all in the diocese.
The information gathered will be used to continue drafting the profile for the Bishop Coadjutor and in next steps of the search, said Laura Mahaney, chair of the search committee’s Community Engagement Subcommittee, member of the Third Order of the Society of St. Francis, and member of St. Michael and All Angels Church, Studio City.
The in-person sessions for each of the 10 geographic deaneries will be:
March 22, Deanery 3, Holy Faith Church, 260 N. Locust St., Inglewood, 10 a.m.
March 22, Deanery 4, St. Mark’s Church, 1020 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale, 10 a.m.
March 29 Deanery 9, location tbd
March 29, Deanery 10, St. Wilfred’s, 18631 Chapel Lane, Huntington Beach, 10 a.m.
April 5, Deanery 1, St. Paul’s, 117 N. 7th St., Santa Paula, 10 a.m.
April 5, Deanery 7, Trinity Episcopal, 419 S. Fourth Street, Redlands,10 a.m.
April 12, Deanery 2, location tbd
April 12, Deanery 8, St. Cross, 1818 Monterey Blvd., Hermosa Beach, 10 a.m.
April 26, Deanery 5, Church of Our Saviour, 535 W. Roses Road, San Gabriel, 10 a.m.
April 26, Deanery 6, Holy Trinity, 100 North Third Ave, Covina, 10 a.m.
Parishioners may attend any of the listening sessions, regardless of their deanery, and separate sessions will be scheduled for affinity groups including clergy, diocesan staff, and ministries.
Zoom sessions will include two general virtual sessions open to all, two sessions specifically for clergy, a session for diocesan staff, and sessions for special ministry groups, including Asian and Pacific Islander Ministry, Black Ministry, and Latino Ministry groups.
The Latino Ministry listening sessions will be April 1, 6 p.m. and April 10, 6 p.m. For Zoom links, contact the Rev. Carlos Ruvalcaba, associate at St. Stephen’s, Hollywood, and St. Barnabas, Eagle Rock, email:
The information for other virtual listening sessions will be announced as session details are confirmed.
Spanish translation will be available at all in-person deanery sessions. For questions about translation from languages other than Spanish, and other questions about listening sessions, contact Mahaney at