Mission Share Fund
The Mission Share Fund (MSF) consists of contributions from individual congregations of the Diocese of Los Angeles for the collective ministry of the Diocese. It provides for ministries that are best carried out at a diocesan level; funds outreach and formation, mission and congregational development, New Community ministries, stewardship and care; staffs the offices of Advancement, and Formation and Transition Ministry; maintains Episcopal facilities and grounds; and provides EDLA’s 15% annual contribution to The Episcopal Church.
By contributing to the Mission Share Fund, each congregation takes part in the ministry of the whole Diocese, the church-wide program and the Anglican Communion. The Church is a community: the Diocese, every congregation and every parishioner has obligations that must be fulfilled. Just as the Diocese fulfills its obligations to the Episcopal Church and its church-wide program helps to support the Anglican Communion, each congregation is called to contribute fully to the Mission Share Fund.
Each congregation gives to the Diocese a percentage of the income it receives from parishioners’ pledges and from money offered at worship services, also known as NOI (normal operating income). At a special meeting on September 14, 1996, Diocesan Convention resolved that the asking formula for giving by parishes be 15% of NOI, with a minimum level of 12%. Mission congregations give 10% of their pledge and plate income. Contributing to the Mission Share Fund is not optional—each congregation is required to give. Some parishes have reached or exceeded the 15% goal.
If you have questions or require assistance, or need another pledge form for your congregation, please email finance@ladiocese.org
Financial Audits
Financial audits are due to the diocese annually by September 1. Audits must include a certificate or report of the audit as well as the audited financials, including but not limited to the year-end balance sheet and profit & loss statements. (Diocesan C&C, Canon VI, section 6.02)
If you have questions or require assistance, please email finance@ladiocese.org or swylie@ladiocese.org
- Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs
- Manual de Metodos de Negocios en los Asuntos de la Iglesia
Insurance Information
Director of Finance & CFO
The Rev. Susan Stanton
213.482.2040, ext. 233 | sstanton@ladiocese.org
Ms. Martha Macias
213.482.2040, ext. 268 | mmacias@ladiocese.org
Treasurer of the Diocese
Canon Andy Tomat
Accounts Receivable Manager
Ms. Carla Burgess
213.482.2040, ext. 229 | cburgess@ladiocese.org
Accounts Payable Manager
Ms. Melania Garibay
213.482.2040, ext. 214 | mgaribay@ladiocese.org
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Julie Kelly
213.482.2040, ext. 227 | jkelly@ladiocese.org