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[The Episcopal News] The Secretary of Convention’s office, working with the diocesan communications office, launched a new Diocesan Convention website this week. The new address is www.diocesela.org/convention, replacing www.diocesanconvention.com, which will be discontinued.

Diocesan Convention will take place on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 11 – 12, at the Riverside Convention Center with the theme “Back to the Holy City: The Hope of Christ in Our Time.”

The new website has all convention information, including offices and candidates for election; forms and annual report information; resolutions and amendments to be voted on at convention; journals of previous meetings; convention meals and lodging information; and the virtual exhibit hall, as well as instructions for those planning to have exhibits at the in-person convention.

Questions about the website or the convention may be directed to Samantha Wylie, convention coordinator, at swylie@ladiocese.org.