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The Rev. Fadi Diab, rector, and children of the parish surround the altar of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Ramallah, Palestine.

[The Episcopal News – July 19, 2023] The Rev. Fadi Diab, rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Ramallah, Palestine will present a program on “Christian Life in Palestine” at St. Paul’s Commons, Echo Park, on Saturday, July 29 at 12 p.m.

Diab’s visit is hosted by Bishop John Harvey Taylor and the Program Group on Global Partnership.

Diab, his wife, Ruba, a teacher at the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School (AEES) in Ramallah, and their sons Philip and Andrew – university and high school students, respectively – will share stories about the lives of Christians in the Holy Land today – the spiritual and physical descendants of the original followers of Jesus.

Fadi and Ruba Diab and their two sons will present a program on “Christian Life in Palestine” at St. Paul’s Commons on July 29.

The Diab family also will visit several congregations in the diocese, including Christ the King, Santa Barbara on Thursday evening, July 27; St. Cross, Hermosa Beach, on Sunday morning, July 29; and All Saints, Pasadena, on Sunday morning, Aug. 6. Other dates are still available; contact

Fadi Diab is a well-respected theologian in the Palestinian community and a prophetic voice for justice and peace. He also provides leadership and pastoral support to the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School (AEES), where his wife Ruba teaches, at the Episcopal Technological & Vocational Training Center (ETVTC), and the diocese-sponsored Diabetes & Cardiovascular Clinic, which provides outpatient treatment. He is also the rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Birzeit, which is constructing a retirement home and senior center.

In August of 2022, St. Andrew’s, Ramallah, was forcibly entered and severely damaged by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) in an early-morning raid targeting the human rights group Al-Haq, whose offices were located in an adjacent building. This raid was condemned by the Diocese of Jerusalem and international organizations.

St. Paul’s Commons is located at 840 Echo Park Ave, Los Angeles 90026. Free underground parking is available. A light luncheon will be served at no charge; reservations are requested here.