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Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce invites the diocesan community to “The Advent Gathering: Lessons, Carols & Fellowship” on Saturday, Dec. 12, 4:30 – 6 p.m.

This virtual event, an Asian twist on the traditional Lessons & Carols, will feature Asian Pacific American-themed reflections and music set to Advent themes of hope, love, joy, peace, and Christ.

Contributors of reflections and music include Jason Chu (@jasonchumusic), Gukhui Han (St. Luke’s Church, Long Beach), Hannah Im (Mutual Ministry of St. Andrew’s and Christ Episcopal Church), Jenny Kim (Claremont Graduate University), Dustin Seo (Street Symphony) and Ravi Verma (Stillpoint).

Participants are encouraged to wear their favorite Advent/Christmas headwear and ornaments. (Ugly Christmas sweaters are encouraged, but optional.) Festivities will include prizes for best attire. Bring a favorite Advent story to share.

This event is hosted by The Gathering – a Space for Asian Pacific American Spirituality, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles to Asian Pacific Americans. The Gathering holds events to engage topics relevant to Asian Pacific American communities and offers a space for Asian Pacific Americans to gather to share in their spiritual journeys.

The event is free. Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend virtually. For additional information, email TheGatheringEDLA@gmail.com. Register here in advance to receive Zoom information.