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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry preaches at the 2015 convention of the Diocese of Los Angeles.

[The Episcopal News] The Most. Rev. Michael Curry – whose prophetic leadership as presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church spans 16 nations – will visit Los Angeles on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend to keynote a Jan. 15 “Power of Love” service set for 3 p.m. at Christ the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 3303 W. Vernon Avenue, Leimert Park (Los Angeles).

The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, will welcome Curry to the service planned to highlight King’s insight that “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” The theme also echoes Curry’s longstanding international focus on “The Way of Love.”

Christ the Good Shepherd Church, Leimert Park (Los Angeles)

“Bishop Curry’s is the most important voice in 21st century Christianity. Dr. King was our great prophet of justice in the 20th century,” Taylor said in announcing the service. “On behalf of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. planning team, I extend thanks to Christ the Good Shepherd Church for their hospitality. But we can’t guarantee that the roof will stay on!”

All are invited to attend the service, which will feature music by the Episcopal Chorale and a liturgy planned by the diocesan Program Group on Black Ministries and the Martin Luther King Jr. planning group. Honored guests will include local civic leaders and representatives of neighboring faith communities. The service will be livestreamed via the diocesan Facebook page and YouTube channel.

A dynamic voice for justice and peace, Curry is chief pastor of the Episcopal Church. He began his nine-year term in 2015 after being elected The Episcopal Church’s first African American presiding bishop. Biographical information is here.