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During the 2020 meeting of Diocesan Convention on Nov. 14, the following clergy and lay people were elected to diocesan offices, as certified by the judge of elections:

Director, Canterbury Irvine
Susan Brown*

Director, Canterbury USC
The Rev. Catherine Wagar*

Director, Canterbury Westwood
Christie Mossman*

Clergy member, Commission on Ministry
Carlos Ruvalcaba

Lay member, Commission on Ministry
Nancy Doss

Director, Corporation of the Diocese
Mimi Grant (3-year term)
Charlotte Borst (3-year term)
Reynolds Cafferata (2-year term)

Clergy member, Diocesan Council
The Rev. Paul Price*

Lay member, Diocesan Council
Dave Moreno

Trustee, Diocesan Investment Trust
Ryan Nakano-Harlow*

Trustee, Hillsides
The Rev. Ed Sniecienski*

Board member, Holy Family Services
The Rev. Guy Leemhuis

Secretary of Convention
Steve Nishibayaski*

Clergy member, Standing Committee
The Rev. Guy Leemhuis

Lay member, Standing Committee
Diane Askren

*These candidates ran unopposed and were elected by acclamation.