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[The Episcopal News] Education for Ministry (EfM), a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice, will begin its 2023-24 sessions in the Diocese of Los Angeles in September.

“EfM is destined to take on a larger role in our formation and theological education toolkit,” says Bishop John Harvey Taylor, “to address the disconnect in basic biblical understanding between those who preach and those who hear and to remove stumbling blocks to the pluralization of church leadership.”

The curriculum, based at the University of the South’s School of Theology, is shared in a small-group setting of six to 12 students. It is intended to help church members connect faith with everyday life. “We guarantee to stretch your imagination and open a new world of insights as you probe scripture and tradition,” according to EfM.

The training is not a seminary, and is not intended to train students for ordained ministry (though some have chosen to pursue ordination after taking the course). “It is more about discerning where our daily life and the things we do form our ministry to the world around us.”

In-person and online groups will be available. For more information about EfM and its curriculum, visit the website.

Classes will begin in September in the following communities. Each group will set its own meeting days and times; please contact the listed leaders for more information. Enrollment is limited.

Altadena, St Mark’s​​ Church
Jon Courie​, joncourie@me.com
​​​​Pam Dorff​, pam@dorff.com
Maria Horner​, maria@catalinaislandcamps.com

Beverly Hills, ​All Saints​’ Church
Robert Craft, ​​bcraft1038@aol.com
​​​​Julianne Reeder​, juliannereeder@gmail.com

Fullerton​, St Andrew’s​ Church
Paul Green​​, pgreen@msmu.edu
Shawn Cady​​, shawn999@earthlink.net

Hermosa Beach, St Cross​ Church
Cameron Johnson​, cameratta@aol.com
​​​​Susan Tucker​​, setinla@aol.com

Huntington Beach​, St. Wilfred of York​​ Church
Pam Dorff​, pam@dorff.com

Los Angeles​, St James in-the-City​​ Church
Mary Manning​​, mvmanning@aol.com

Los Olivos, St Mark’s of the Valley​ Church
Jeannie May​, jeannie@the100acrewood.com

Oak Park, Church of the Epiphany​
Elizabeth Bryant​, e.vana.bryant@gmail.com

Pasadena, All Saints​​ Church
Gary Leonard, ​​gary.leonard63@gmail.com
Terry Moore​​, trgmoore@gmail.com
Michael Jeffries​, effrmm@hotmail.com

Rancho Santa Margarita​, St. John Chrysostom Church
Wayne Kempe​​, wkemp4@msn.com

San Gabriel, Church of Our Saviour​​
Juli Kennedy​, pigski@sbcglobal.net
​​​​Kari Stewart​, kari@kariscomments.com

San Juan Capistrano​, St. Margaret of Scotland Church
Online group only
Catherine Glick​, geoplex@earthlink.net

Santa Ana, Church of the Messiah
Wayne Kempe​​, wkemp4@msn.com

Santa Barbara​​, All Saints by-the-Sea​​ Church
Robert Brown​, flyingbus@cox.net

Santa Clarita​, St Stephen’s​​​ Church
Kathleen Jensen​​, jensencurl@gmail.com
Mary Jo Higginbotham​, maryjohigg@gmail.com

Santa Monica​, St Augustine by-the-Sea​ Church
Laura Horton​, hortonlaura@att.net

Online groups (Tuesday and Thursday)
Greg Richardson, strategicmonk@gmail.com

Questions may be directed via email to Gary Leonard at efmladiocese@gmail.com.