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The Episcopal Church’s Safe Church Office has produced three new educational modules – “Pastoral Relationships,” “Inclusion,” and “Power and Relationships” – as part of its Safe Church, Safe Communities training for the prevention of sexual and other abuse. Completion of the series is mandatory for Episcopal Church clergy, lay leaders and Episcopal school teachers and staff, and must be renewed every three years.

Bronwyn Clark Skov is manager of the Safe Church office, which is part of the Faith Formation division of The Episcopal Church. She is also in conversation with leaders of the nine provinces of the church to schedule training for two Safe Church trainers per diocese.

The new training modules bring the total number to nine, all of which can be found on the Praesidium Academy website here.

“Praesidium also includes a link to an especially helpful chart about which persons in your church should take what training,” says Canon Serena Beeks, executive director of the Diocese of Los Angeles’ Commission on Schools. “Please note that there is a Mandated Reporter training module that is specific to California and meets the state’s requirements for licensed Early Childhood facilities. The Diocese of Los Angeles is in the process of updating its policies based upon the model policies provided by The Episcopal Church.”

Questions about the curriculum may be directed to Skov at safechurch@episcopalchurch.org. For information about Diocese of Los Angeles requirements, contact Canon Anilin Collado, missioner for Human Resources, at acollado@ladiocese.org or 213.482.2040, ext. 250.