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Parishioners of the Diocese of Los Angeles will soon have opportunities to share their thoughts on what they seek in their next bishop: listening sessions across the diocese and an online survey.

Starting March 22, the Bishop Search Committee is planning a series of gatherings — some in person, some by Zoom — to hear what is on the mind of the diocese, what the diocese needs, where the diocese should focus energy in the future, and the gifts and skills parishioners want to see in the bishop coadjutor who will be elected in November. Additional sessions for clergy will be announced.

From March 31 through April 12, an online survey will be conducted by Holy Cow Consulting to dig deeper into how the diocese sees itself and its future.

Locations and times of initial listening sessions are here, and further listening session information will be announced shortly, along with details about how to take the survey. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the live listening sessions.

“We want to encourage everyone to attend a listening session and to take the survey,” Search Committee Co-Chairs Thomas Diaz and the Rev. KC Robertson said. “The more input we get, the more reliable the data will be. The Search Committee will use the results of both the listening sessions and the survey to shape our profile and to develop questions for our candidates.”

Holy Cow Consulting has provided survey, analysis, and consulting services to more than 5,000 congregations, dioceses, non-profits, schools and other organizations.

“Both the listening sessions and the survey will provide rich research for our diocese — not only to assist in the search and elections process, but to guide us and our new bishop in planning our future,” said the Rev. Kate Cress, president of the Standing Committee, which oversees the elections process. “I join Thomas and KC in encouraging everyone to participate, let your voice be heard, and hear what is on the mind of the rest of the diocese.”

The Search Committee has posted a timeline of its work over the next several months. The committee will spend the summer interviewing candidates and creating a slate of three to five candidates that will be announced in September. A petition period will open on the day the slate is announced to allow additional candidates to come forward.

Timeline for the Search and Transitions Process

March-May: Listening sessions around the diocese

March-April: Online survey conducted by Holy Cow Consulting

Early June: Profile is posted, nominating period begins

June 27: Nominating period ends

July-August: Screenings and Zoom interviews with candidates, background and reference checks

Late August: Discernment retreat with semifinalists

Early September: Slate is announced. Petition period begins.

Late September: Petition period ends.

September-mid October: Background and reference checks on petition candidates.

October 20-25: Meet-and-greet sessions around the diocese, locations and times to be announced.

November 8: Election of the bishop coadjutor at Diocesan Convention.

July 11, 2026: Consecration of the coadjutor

October 2026: Bishop Taylor retires